Category: Maintenance and Operations

3 Ways Smart Buildings Will Change the Role of the Facility Manager

Smart buildings are becoming increasingly popular. These buildings provide the information needed to make more intelligent and efficient decisions when managing them. And, they continue to bridge the gap between physical assets and digital innovations by leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT), data collection, and smart analytics. For FM professionals, smart buildings are reshaping the […]

Preparing the Workplace and Campuses to Meet COVID-19 Challenges

Facility management professionals should advocate that their workplaces and college campuses reconsider their physical spaces and invest in technology to help create safer environments. This would allow workers and students to feel safe to return to in-person experiences after they were forced to go remote because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those suggestions were detailed during […]

Today’s Top Challenges for Facilities Management Professionals

The COVID-19 era has been a challenging time for facilities management staff as they focus on extensive cleaning and indoor air quality issues. However, there are several other large issues that have impacted their profession, including The Great Resignation, supply chain shortages, lead time and building commissioning, inflation, environmental sensitivity, and networking. Facilities Management Compliance […]

Neither Sleet nor Snow nor COVID-19 Stops Supreme Court from Its Appointed Rounds

Editor’s note: The Supreme Court’s recent rulings on vaccine mandates for large employers and healthcare workers are sure to impact facility operations. In this article, a legal expert provides an in-depth look into the justices’ decisions and offers some predictions. It snowed in Washington, D.C., over Jan. 6 and 7, and all federal buildings were […]

Should Healthcare Facilities Adopt New Risk Management Tools?

Is your healthcare facility still using a paper-based system for risk management and compliance? It’s time to join the digital age! Compliance and risk management are crucial behind-the-scenes programs in healthcare facilities. But their success depends on accurate, accessible, and organized records. Three-ring binders crammed with pages of printouts or handwritten reports just can’t cut […]

COVID Highlights Importance of Agile and Activity-Based Working Models

For the past two years, workplaces have had to quickly adapt to the global pandemic, forcing them to utilize facilities management principles of agile working, activity-based working, or a combination of the two. These principles were discussed by Tony Mayfield, the keynote speaker for the recent “Facilities Management Now: An Online Educational Experience Virtual Summit.” […]

Survey: Restroom Cleanliness Has Major Impact on Business Reputation

A new survey commissioned by Cintas Corp. has found that nearly three-quarters of Americans (74%) say dirty restrooms would cause them to have a negative perception of a business. More than two in three Americans (68%) also say restrooms with empty hand soap, toilet paper, and paper towel dispensers would impact their opinion of a business negatively. […]

Facilities Management Advisor’s Top 10 Stories of 2021

‘Tis the season for publications to share Top 10 lists and annual wrap-ups! We at Facilities Management Advisor figured we’d join the party and create a list of our own highlighting the most popular articles that you, our valued readers, read over the past year. The Top 10 list covers some of the major FM […]

Cleanliness Tops Return-to-Work Priorities for Both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Employees

With COVID-19 cases surging and the fear of contracting the next highly transmissible contagion widespread, American workers are placing a renewed emphasis on cleaning, according to a new survey by the Cleaning Coalition of America. The survey finds that U.S. workers increasingly value enhanced cleaning of the workplace and feel safer seeing professional cleaners on site—a […]

What Facility Managers Need to Know About Hybrid Workspaces

As with the concept of remote work, hybrid work may have already existed before COVID-19, but the pandemic took the idea of hybrid workplaces to the next level. Forced government lockdowns, social distancing, and other measures ensured that hybrid ways of working became more accepted and normative across many industry sectors. As such, the trend […]