
Infographic: 5 Things Facilities Managers Love About Their Jobs

Happy Valentine’s Day, a time to celebrate love! Whether you’re new to facilities management or a long-time industry vet, there’s a whole lot to appreciate about a rewarding career in FM. In honor of the holiday, this infographic highlights 5 things facilities managers love about their jobs.

Infographic: Preventing Heat Illness

During hot temperatures, employers must protect their workers from the dangers of heat stress and illness. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), thousands of workers get sick or even die from occupational heat exposure every year, despite it being entirely preventable. This infographic offers key recommendations for preventing heat illness. For full details, […]

Infographic: Workplace Noise Exposure

Do you work in noisy facilities or around loud equipment? All of the human senses must be protected from hazards and damage in the workplace, including hearing. Here’s what you need to know about workplace noise exposure. (Check out our “Back to Basics: Noise Exposure and Safety in the Workplace” article for more information.)  

Infographic: Why Do Building Codes Matter?

Facilities managers should understand the importance of meeting current building codes, both when constructing and when maintaining safe and sustainable facilities. This infographic offers key reasons why building codes matter, courtesy of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). To read more about building codes and how they are updated, be sure to check out “Back […]

Infographic: 6 Ways to Protect Your Facility from Arson

Part of a facility manager’s job is fire safety, which includes protecting life and property in a building from fire. In recognition of Arson Awareness Week, which is the first full week of May, here are 6 ways to protect your facility from arson. For more ways to protect your facility from fire, read Facilities […]

Infographic: 10 Stress-Busting Tips for Facilities Managers

Too much stress on a job can greatly impact a person’s mental and physical well-being. In recognition of National Stress Awareness Month in April, here are 10 tips to help facilities managers combat stress and stay healthy.  

Infographic: Top 10 Tips for Women in Facilities Management

More women are joining the FM industry, yet they still only make up about 20% of its workforce. In honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, here are 10 tips to help women not only succeed, but thrive while bridging the gender gap. (For additional advice from women in FM, read “Faces of […]