Category: Maintenance and Operations

semi circular glass building with a little bit of tree inside

Managing Air Quality in Your Building During Maintenance and Renovation

Employees and occupants can spend hours at a time inside your facility, so the quality of the indoor air is an important factor in their health and performance on the job. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can lower worker productivity, increase missed days of work, and lead to adverse health effects. Building occupants can experience […]

Does Your Facility Meet OSHA Requirements for Floor Markings and Forklift Inspections?

Today we’re getting answers from EHS Hero® experts for two forklift-related questions. First, does OSHA require floor markings to clarify pedestrian walkways where lift traffic may be present? And second, does OSHA require annual forklift inspections? Read on to see what the experts had to say.

IoT Smart building concept

Three Ways the IoT will Play a Role in the Return to Work

Many of us have approached the one-year anniversary of “work from home, making some wonder when—and if—returning to the office is ever going to happen. With safety precautions, such as social distancing, likely to be in place through the end of the year, others are wondering what a return to work will actually look like, […]

Workers after a move to a new facility3

5 Ways to Ensure a Successful Office Move

Although relocating can be an exciting time for you and your company, it’s often also a time of stress. As a business leader, you have a lot to consider to make your transition into a new space as seamless and beneficial to your team as possible.

Safety Inspect at Facility, facility managers

Infographic: 9 Reports That All Facility Managers Should Know

Organizational leadership requires information to help their businesses function, and facilities management professionals can’t escape that fact. A key part of your job, then, will be tracking data and producing reports detailing everything from costs of materials to labor. It’s good to familiarize yourself with the types of reports you’ll be required to produce so […]

Modern Parking Garage at Night

Parking Structures—Be Smart about Maintenance

As a facilities manager, are you prepared for the task of managing a parking structure? These multistory facilities are complex. A parking structure is more like a highway bridge than a traditional building with an envelope because a parking structure’s framing system is exposed to environmental conditions that include freezing and thawing cycles, moisture, and […]

Elevator modernization project

Is It Time to Modernize Your Elevators?

There comes a time in every elevator’s life when it no longer makes financial or logistical sense to continue repairing the same components year after year. Service calls get expensive, replacement parts become harder to find and the time the elevator spends out of service ends up exceeding its time in operation. In most cases, […]

Photo of a facility restroom; bathroom

When Bathrooms Operate Inefficiently, It’s Money Down the Drain

As a facilities manager, are you looking for ways to lower your monthly water bill? Bathrooms use 30%–40% of the water in a typical commercial building, so they’re the first place you should look for inefficiencies. Other building uses that consume the most water are cooling and heating, landscaping, and kitchen and laundry facilities. It […]