Category: Maintenance and Operations

Top Trends Boosting the Global Facilities Management Market

Boosted by smart cities, the healthcare sector, and industry partnerships, the global facilities management (FM) market is poised to surpass $2 trillion by 2027, according to research from Global Market Insights Inc. Furthermore, a growing focus on optimization of building performance has positioned facilities management as a key maintenance tool. Evolution of Building Maintenance Demands […]

Digitizing Indoor Air Quality for Proactive Maintenance and Health

Buildings are more complex machines than most people realize. Understanding how to read a Building Management System (BMS) to troubleshoot maintenance issues is in itself complicated and often difficult. Most tenants don’t know how to effectively read their energy or water utility data, nor do many have interest in these items unless they are the […]

Back to Basics: Preparing Your Facility for Hurricanes

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. This year’s hurricane season began on June 1, so it’s time for facilities management professionals to prepare. This is important because above-average Atlantic hurricane activity is predicted for 2022 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration […]

10 Summer Landscaping Projects for Facilities Managers

Summer is here, and it’s a great season to start working on various maintenance projects. This is especially true as more facilities workers return to their workplaces in person after working remotely during the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Regular upgrades to outdoor projects may have been postponed due to COVID-19 and staff shortages, […]

Balancing Energy Efficiency, Compliance, and Patient Care in Healthcare Facilities

When patients visit a healthcare facility, they are not thinking about how many kilowatt-hours of energy the facility is using, or how the facility may be reducing its cubic feet of natural gas consumption annually. When patients visit a healthcare facility, they are thinking about the care they’re going to receive. As healthcare facility managers, […]

Industry Groups Join Forces to Launch Healthy Workplaces Coalition

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and ISSA–The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association announced the launch of the Healthy Workplaces Coalition, a new coalition of more than 40 national organizations, industry leaders, and trade associations collaborating to support and advance federal policy aimed at helping businesses and organizations better afford and implement health and safety improvements […]

A Pill for Every Ill and the Precautionary Principle with Facility Cleaning

In the 1950s, benzodiazepine drugs were first introduced by pharmaceutical manufacturers. These drugs were found to treat a wide range of problems, including anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, muscle spasms, nervous tics, even ringing in the ears, better known as tinnitus. By the 1960s, the most famous of all the “benzos,” as they were called, was […]

The Most Important Functions of Facility Management

In any building, the foremost objective of facility management is to provide a conducive environment that enables building users to gain the maximum benefits from being in that space. Achieving this objective requires a skillful administration of certain functions to optimize the four major areas of facility management—people, place, process, and technology. Facility management that […]

Hazardous Chemical Compliance in Storage and Distribution Facilities

Based on inspections over the last several years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found many chemical storage and distribution facilities “are not developing safety precautions; instituting maintenance, monitoring, and employee training measures; and preparing risk management plans to remain in compliance with Clean Air Act (CAA) and Emergency Planning and Community Right to […]

Back to Basics: Should You Repair, Restore, or Replace Your Roof?

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know.  As buildings age, facilities professionals must decide whether they want to continue making repairs to roofs, restore an existing roof, or purchase a new roof. Before making this decision, facilities professionals should consult with someone who […]