We here at Facilities Management Advisor have wrapped up our Facilities Management NOW: Building Technology summit! The online event featured educational sessions covering a variety of hot topics. If you missed any of the webinars, here’s a rundown with key takeaways and links to free on-demand recordings.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Opening Keynote | Refreshing Your ‘Why’ as a Facilities Manager
Speaker: Alana F. Dunoff, MS, ProFM, FMP, IFMA Fellow
Sponsor: Brivo
Key Takeaways: Dunoff said facilities managers need to support the organizations they work for by following their core strategy, which is based on their vision, mission, values, and culture.
She further explained that facilities managers should re-energize their teams by focusing on serving their shareholders, creating or modifying the facilities department’s value statement and purpose, defining how the team measures success, and sharing stories with each other of people who are proud to be part of the facilities team.
Watch the full webinar on-demand here.
Educational Session | How to Get Other Departments to Fund Your Facility’s Security Spend
Speaker: Kevin Tart, Key Account Manager, IDentiv
Sponsor: IDentiv
Key Takeaways: Tart said that when it comes to purchasing security technology tools, it’s best to be proactive and try to anticipate breaches before they happen. He also noted how different departments in an organization could use security tech.
For example, the environmental services department can use security technology to ease the burden of short staffing, especially when it comes to forecasting consumables and supplies needed for a facility.
Additionally, the information technology services department could use security technology to help increase credential security so that only authorized personnel enter sensitive areas.
Watch the full webinar on-demand here.
Educational Session | Capturing Building Knowledge with Mobile Tech
Speaker: David Trask, National Director, ARC Facilities
Sponsor: ARC Facilities
Key Takeaways: For many facilities management teams, only a handful of people know where everything is. Sometimes, only one person knows.
So, what happens when those essential workers quit, retire, or even go on vacation, creating what Trask called a “single point of failure”? How can that institutional knowledge be transferred and stored for others?
To avoid timely and costly problems, all FM team members should know building layouts, as well as the location of equipment and how to fix it. Trask made the case that it’s time for FM teams to adopt mobile technology with instant access to this critical information.
Watch the full webinar on-demand here.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Town Hall Panel | How Building Tech Is Improving the FM Industry
Speakers: Joe Bebon (Moderator), Editor, Facilities Management Advisor;
Nelson Peña, Senior Manager of General Facilities Maintenance, Walmart; and
Camilla Yamada, Director of Special Projects, UMC
Sponsor: Brivo
Key Takeaways: Peña and Yamada both agree: Facilities managers should embrace building technology. It can make their jobs easier and more effective, and more importantly, it can provide a better experience for the consumer.
Maintenance, building health, sustainability, and safety and security can all benefit from technology solutions.
To illustrate their points, the two panelists provided real-world examples from the healthcare and retail sectors, such as auto alerts, air quality improvements, and energy-efficient lighting.
Watch the full webinar on-demand here.