
Fiber optic cable video

Cable Considerations for Your Facility Security System

There is a host of reasons for a facility to invest in a new security system, from upgrading older (or dead) equipment to meeting the changing demands of a growing organization. Sure, it’s important to choose the proper high-definition cameras, system devices, and management software to meet your security needs. However, it’s often easy to […]

Cashier in food truck

Accommodating Food Trucks and Other Mobile Vendors at Your Facility

A large part of attracting new talent or tenants to your facility or property is providing the amenities they want. Talk of the top amenities conjures visions of open floor plans, human-centric lighting, or even a break room stocked with board games, table tennis, and dart boards. But amenities don’t always have to fit inside […]

Indoor Heat

Are You Familiar with Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Proposal?

If you’re a facilities manager in California, you should be staying up to date on the developments! California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) recently revised its draft indoor heat illness prevention standard to address stakeholders’ concerns. Employers would have to maintain the indoor temperature and heat index below 87 degrees Fahrenheit when workers […]

Worker using a demolition robot

Demolition Robots Pose Injury Hazards for Construction Workers

Facility managers have numerous tools available when it comes to construction, rehab, or demolition work at their facilities. Increasingly, robots are among those tools. Among their appeal is that the operator controlling the robot is at a distance, away from potentially unsafe or outright dangerous work. While the robots assume most of the risk, however, […]

Measles vaccine vials and syringe

Keeping Measles Out of Your Facility

With the current measles outbreak making headlines across the country, facility managers are wondering what they can do to protect their employees and tenants. Can you require your employees to be vaccinated against measles? What should you do if you learn someone at your facilities has a case of measles?

Facility manager reviewing drawings with a contractor

How to Spot an Unqualified Contractor

The process of hiring a quality contractor can be complicated and tiring. Many contractors will claim they are the perfect candidates for a job or that their workmanship is superior to others offering the same service. When it comes to investing in your facility, you want to hire the most qualified contractor for the project.

Facility safety ergonomics concept

Ways to Improve Safety at Your Facility

Although office and administrative work is largely considered low risk, that shouldn’t make safety at your facility any less of a priority. Office workers can still be exposed to preventable hazards that could cause an injury or illness. Injuries and illnesses at a facility can have many negative repercussions, including disrupting daily operations, reducing employee […]

Facility Feeling Shady? Get Proper Lighting!

What if an inexpensive, simple fix could improve productivity, control ergonomic hazards, enhance security, and reduce accidental injuries in your workplace? You would look into that immediately, right? Here’s some good news: Proper workplace illumination can accomplish all of those things, and chances are, much of what you need is probably already present in your […]

View of loading dock door inside a warehouse facility

5 Steps to Loading Dock Safety

As facility managers whose properties include manufacturing plants, warehouses, and distribution centers, loading docks are the center of the action—the hub for receiving and unloading freight. Loading docks can be exterior or fully enclosed in a receiving bay, and they are typically located near a storage room or staging area. They can also be one […]