Human Resources, Training

Expert Q&A: How Can Facilities Managers Be Great Leaders for Their Teams?

As a facilities management (FM) leader, how you lead matters to those around you.

Your team depends on you to cast the vision for company goals and to provide them with strong direction, support, and the tools needed to be successful in their roles.

So, how can you be the best leader for your team?

Facilities Management Advisor asked two instructors from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) for their brief thoughts about what makes a good FM leader.

Here’s what they said:

Geoff Williams, CFM, FMP, SFP, IFMA Fellow, Principal, GDW Facility Management Consulting

Courtesy: Geoff Williams
  • “I always start with developing a deep understanding of the business’ drivers so that I can develop the right strategies and alignments to enable organizational success. This alignment shows a deep commitment to the business but also helps my team see their success is one in the same with the business.
  • The next element is to be my authentic self rather than playing a role as I build relationships with my team and other stakeholders to build trust and influence as a leader.
  • I own my responsibilities and decisions while involving my team transparently (as much as possible) in the process, so they understand not just what the decision was; but also, why it was made.
  • Through direct engagement, I empower, mentor, and guide my team towards success.”

Lisa VanderHeyden, CFM, FMP, PMP, LEED AP O+M, Senior Project Manager of Arapahoe County Facilities and Fleet

Courtesy: Lisa VanderHeyden’s LinkedIn
  • “Be a constant learner and encourage the same in your team to develop organizational maturity and position your team for success. 
  • Have your team’s back. Provide the tools, support, and resources they need to succeed and break down barriers to enable them to perform.
  • Become a strategic partner to your organization to help it to understand long and short-term needs and impacts. Think outside the box to find ways to say yes.
  • Model the behaviors and actions you’d like to see from your team.”

Editor’s Note: Interested in learning more from your FM peers who face similar questions and challenges? Look for more Expert Q&As featured in Facilities Management Advisor that will focus on thoughts and advice from the FM community in this quick and easy format.

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