Tag: Geoff Williams

Expert Q&A: How Can Facilities Managers Be Great Leaders for Their Teams?

As a facilities management (FM) leader, how you lead matters to those around you. Your team depends on you to cast the vision for company goals and to provide them with strong direction, support, and the tools needed to be successful in their roles. So, how can you be the best leader for your team? […]

What Are the Top KPIs and Challenges Facing Organizations?

To kick off the new year, the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) hosted a webinar on January 18 called “Elevate FM in 2024: Reflecting Back and Looking Ahead,” during which the top 2023 key performance indicators (KPIs), the most often asked KPIs, and expected challenges for 2024 were discussed. Top KPIs in 2023 Based on […]