Tag: Wildfire

Emergency Preparedness for Climate Disasters: Overcoming Hurdles in Schools

Editor’s note: FM Perspectives are industry op-eds. The views expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of Facilities Management Advisor. Spring has arrived in much of the United States: flowers are budding, and frosty mornings are giving way to longer, sunnier days. With these changes comes another, less-welcome seasonal threat: wildfires, which produce excessive […]

FEMA Expands Disaster Relief Funding to Include Net-Zero Energy Projects

For the first time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will fund net-zero energy projects through its Public Assistance grant program, which covers the rebuilding of schools, hospitals, fire stations, and other community infrastructure investments post-disaster. FEMA is also funding net-zero energy projects for its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and now offers incentives through its […]

EPA Awards Nearly $11M to Help Community Buildings Combat Wildfire Smoke

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has selected nine applicants throughout the West to receive nearly $11 million in funding through the Wildfire Smoke Preparedness in Community Buildings grant program. The new federal program aims to enhance community wildfire smoke preparedness by providing grants to states, federally recognized Tribes, public preschools, local educational agencies, and […]

Drones and Disaster Recovery: Streamlining Post-Disaster Renovations

Calamities can happen at any time. They put everything at risk—people, buildings, you name it. Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are changing things for the better though. Take the 2015 Nepal earthquake, for instance. UAVs were used for search and rescue, mapping, and strategizing relief efforts. Fast-forward to 2023, the University of Maryland has […]

FTA Awards Disaster Relief Funding to Transit Agencies Nationwide

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced $102.3 million in funding to 17 transit agencies, cities, and planning councils in eight states and territories to help recover from recent natural disasters. The funding, provided through FTA’s Public Transportation Emergency Relief (ER) Program, will help them repair damaged equipment and facilities and recoup costs for evacuation […]

The CDC Ventilation Update Couldn’t Have Come Sooner: Real-Time Monitoring Is Needed Now

Editor’s note: The views expressed in op-eds are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of Facilities Management Advisor. The recent Canadian wildfires greatly impacted air quality hundreds of miles away in major American cities, demonstrating how disasters in one country can affect the health of others. This issue also came to light in […]

Colorado Passes ‘Landmark’ Law on Wildfire Resiliency and Building Codes

On May 12, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed SB23-166, a new law establishing a Wildfire Resiliency Code Board to enhance building codes, bolster fire-resistant construction, and protect against wildfire risks in the state’s wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and International Code Council strongly supported SB23-166 and have praised its passage, […]

Back to Basics: 10 Ways to Prepare Your Facilities for Wildfires

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. With summer in full swing, along with rising temperatures and increased dry vegetation, facilities management professionals should be reminded that this year’s wildfire season has already begun—and it’s becoming a larger problem than in the past. […]

Building Ventilation Prep for Summer 2021’s Most Pressing Hazards

Are you prepared to fully reopen your facilities during an ongoing, if waning, pandemic and the threat of wildfires this summer? States and localities are rolling back pandemic precautions as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccinations roll out across the United States–President Biden pledged May 4 that 70% of American adults would receive at least one vaccine dose […]

Wildfire hazard sign with wildfire in background

Wildfire Preparation Tips for Your Facility

Wildfires can happen at any time, though changes in land use combined with the steady and continuing rise of global temperatures over the past decades have helped create the perfect environmental conditions for them to thrive. To compound the problem, more and more people are living and working in communities where the risks posed by […]