Tag: Great Resignation

How Can Facilities Managers Respond to the Labor Shortage?

The Great Resignation and the high number of workers retiring over the last several years have led to labor shortages at many workplaces across the country. While some of those positions will be filled, it’s likely those replacements won’t have the same depth of knowledge as their predecessors. To help solve this problem, facilities managers […]

Reducing Costs During Economic Uncertainty Using Preventive Maintenance

Major issues like COVID, supply chain problems, and inflation recently caused an economic downturn, raising concerns that the country could be facing a recession. Although some experts suggest the United States may now be on the road to recovery, it’s important that facilities managers be prepared to further stretch their dollars during tough economic times. […]

Need Construction Workers for Your Facility Project? Big Labor Shortage May Be a Problem

For the past two-plus years, facilities professionals have been struggling with COVID, the Great Resignation, and supply chain issues, leading to a lack of materials and major delays on facility retrofits and new-construction projects across the country. Although such problems were expected to continue in 2022, a new report from the Associated Builders and Contractors […]