Tag: facility security

Houston Concert Tragedy Casts Crowd Management into the Spotlight

Update 11/15/21: The death toll has risen to 10 after a college student and 9-year-old boy critically injured at the event later died. Over the weekend, tragedy unfolded at NRG Park in Houston, Texas, when eight young concert goers, between the ages of 14 and 27, were killed when reported crowd surges occurred during the Astroworld […]

Case Study: Surveillance System Secures Houston Facilities for the Homeless

The Star of Hope Mission in Houston, Texas, has installed hundreds of Hanwha Techwin security cameras and a Wisenet WAVE video management system (VMS) to help secure facilities for unhoused men, women, and children. In this case study, Star of Hope Mission Director of Facilities Development Ike Kimmel and the security tech company discuss the […]

Top Facilities Management Conferences of 2021: In-Person Events

As a facilities management professional, it is important to keep your ear to the pulse of the industry, grow, and learn new skills and best practices. Attending the industry’s top facilities management conferences can help you do just that. Don’t know where to start? Don’t fret! We’ve done the research for you, so you won’t […]

Does Your Facility Have a Sound Workplace Violence Prevention Strategy?

Workplace violence is not industry specific and can happen to workers in any facility. With that in mind, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) states that workplace violence is a recognizable hazard and reminds employers that they are responsible for protecting employees from assaults and homicides at their facilities.

Workers streaming into a reopened facility.

Keeping an Eye on Security in a Shared-Use Facility

How do you install new security devices or systems in a building with multiple tenants? If you’re only managing one part of a facility, how do you get the landlord’s buy-in to make important changes to your part of the building? How do you keep your employees safe in a facility with multiple access control […]

Employee using mobile access control

Which Access Control Trends Matter in 2021?

The security industry is quickly evolving with the emergence of new technology. As we near the end of 2020, we are seeing new trends that will shape the future of physical security. By identifying access control trends for 2021, facility managers can properly prepare to meet both business and end user needs.

The office bully

The Pitfalls of Ignoring Workplace Violence Prevention

Every year, nearly 2 million American workers report that they are victims of workplace violence, according to research from OSHA. That number obviously doesn’t include the numerous unreported instances of workplace violence, which fall through the cracks due to a lack of preventive measures, policies, or mandated workplace violence training programs. Is your facility doing […]

vendor delivery

Vendors (Even the Familiar Ones) Must Follow Access Control Policies

It can be easy for vendors to get overly familiar with their customers and perhaps try to bypass security policies related to access control, waiting time, or entering parts of the facility they really don’t need to be. Therefore, all employees should be reminded to follow established protocols for vendor interactions.

Active Shooter Training for Your Facility Workers

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms, and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. While it’s very tempting to think “it could never happen here,” training for the worst […]

Red Ball Drills

Consider Red Ball Drills for Your Facility’s Emergency Preparedness (Including Active Shooter) Training

Red Ball Drills® are a unique emergency preparedness method that make real-time training more productive and less traumatic. While it is primarily associated with active shooter training, its uses can extend into many areas of facilities management—a “red ball” can signify any preparedness situation, from equipment failure to natural disasters to physical or cybersecurity threats.