Tag: crime prevention

Faces of Facilities: Larry Thompson on Top Security Issues

“I wish we lived in a world where my job wasn’t necessary,” said Larry Thompson, vice president of security at the NBA’s Orlando Magic. Unfortunately, though, security is necessary. And it’s often a key component of effective facilities management. So, what’s ahead for building security in 2025? Thompson will be sharing his industry predictions during […]

Survey: More Businesses Believe AI Can Boost Security Amid Fears of Rising Crime

A new survey found that 36% of business leaders agree that artificial intelligence (AI) can be a useful crime-fighting tool, but only 7% have actually adopted it in their physical security strategy. While these numbers are better than in years past, it shows that AI still has awareness gains to be made before more organizations […]

Understanding and Addressing Top Security Challenges in Retail Facilities

Every day, retailers across the United States contend with a staggering number of security challenges—ranging from theft and disturbances to loitering—that threaten their operations, employees, and customers. With millions of transactions and customers daily, maintaining a safe environment for employees and shoppers is a complex and critical endeavor. Interface Systems’ 2024 State of Remote Video […]

Ahead of Holiday Shopping Season, Retail Workers Worry About Their Safety

A majority of U.S. retail workers (57%) report feeling unsafe going into the peak holiday shopping season, according to Motorola Solutions’ second annual U.S. Retail Worker Safety Report. This is understandable, as many of the 1,000+ retail managers and staff surveyed said they have experienced increases in various forms of crime in the last year, and […]

How to Better Secure Your Healthcare Facility

Violent incidents in healthcare facilities are rapidly increasing. That’s why including security elements into the design of healthcare facilities is top of mind for Brendan Riley, MS, CHPA, the director of security, parking, and transportation at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center in Burlington, Massachusetts, a part of the Beth Israel Lahey Health system. Facilities managers […]

Designing Office Space with Acoustics in Mind

Facilities managers who are creating new office spaces or renovating existing ones should work with their employers to design acoustically friendly offices, which would benefit both employees and employers. Challenges While many offices embrace an open office plan to encourage collaboration, this presents three main acoustical challenges that affect employees and employers. 1. Productivity According […]

Liberty University Fined Record $14M over Campus Safety Law Violations

The U.S. Department of Education is imposing a $14 million fine under a settlement agreement with Liberty University for violations of the Clery Act, including issues regarding the school’s published crime statistics and treatment of sexual assault survivors. This is the largest fine ever imposed for violating the federal law, officially named the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security […]

Physical Security’s Secret Weapon: How AI Is Protecting Facilities

It’s nearly impossible to talk about technology these days without mentioning artificial intelligence (AI). Most people are familiar with generative AI tools including ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft Copilot. These companies incorporate the power of AI into the software we use every day. But did you know AI is also hard at work behind the […]

Campus Safety: How UNM Used Architecture and Design for Crime Prevention

The design of indoor and outdoor spaces has the power to shape not just how we use an area, but also how we feel about it. Design can help inform whether someone wants to meet friends or move through an area quickly. It can even discourage crime. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a […]