Bringing Facilities Management and Logistics Together with a CMMS

This year marks the sixth-annual celebration of National Logistics Day on June 28—an occasion meant to highlight the essential role logistics teams play in the world’s economies and communities. Working together with facilities managers, logistics professionals serve as the backbone of international commerce, ensuring the safe storage and efficient movement of goods all across the […]

3 Ways to Quantify the ROI of Your CMMS

Facilities management is no longer just about keeping the lights on. Today’s facilities managers have a seat at the table, contributing directly to business success. They’re responsible not only for maintaining buildings and ensuring smooth operations, but also for making strategic decisions that impact business growth and revenue. Facilities managers are tasked with optimizing costs […]

Building the Future: How Tech Is Revolutionizing School Facilities Management

The proliferation of technology is here to stay—and not just in the classroom. More and more K-12 schools around the country are embedding technology into their buildings, from smart HVAC systems that optimize energy usage to automated security protocols for student safety. This transition isn’t just about embracing the latest gadgets. It’s about fundamentally reshaping […]

Webinar Watch: How to Master Work Order Management

During Facilities Management Advisor’s FREE upcoming webinar, learn about the importance of maintenance teams using a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to manage work orders, work requests, and planned maintenance (PMs). Can’t make it to the live event? No worries! All registrants also receive a link to an on-demand recording. Wednesday, June 5, 2024 Webinar […]

Earth Day and Every Day: The Role of Maintenance in Sustainable Facilities

Since 1970, Earth Day has provided an annual reminder of our responsibility to protect the planet. Though corporate pledges and sustainability standards are more common than ever, many businesses still view going green as a daunting, costly effort. Google Cloud’s latest Sustainability Survey reflects this contradiction. Though 96% of surveyed organizations say they have at […]

What Are the Top KPIs and Challenges Facing Organizations?

To kick off the new year, the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) hosted a webinar on January 18 called “Elevate FM in 2024: Reflecting Back and Looking Ahead,” during which the top 2023 key performance indicators (KPIs), the most often asked KPIs, and expected challenges for 2024 were discussed. Top KPIs in 2023 Based on […]

How to Create Easy-to-Use Preventive Maintenance Checklists

Preventive maintenance (PM) checklists are essential tools in the effective management of building maintenance and facility equipment. Their primary purpose is to methodically guide maintenance tasks, ensuring that all necessary steps are performed in a timely and consistent manner. Let’s dive straight into essential elements and best design practice to discover how to create clear […]

The Future of Facilities Management and CMMS in 2024

In 2023, facility and maintenance managers saw the emergence of advanced technologies and artificial intelligence, new environmental sustainability regulations, and higher-than-ever customer expectations. With so many conflicting priorities, it is easy for facilities professionals to feel their heads spin. In a recent survey of manufacturing and facilities management companies, maintenance professionals report a heavy focus […]

A 6-Step Guide to Create a Deferred Maintenance Strategy

Deferred maintenance, a common challenge in facilities and plant management, involves postponing necessary repairs and upkeep due to constraints like budget or resources. The delay often leads to an accumulation of tasks, exacerbating issues and inflating future costs. The significance of deferred maintenance spans across diverse organizational settings, impacting operational reliability in manufacturing plants and […]

How Facilities Managers Can Fight Rising Costs

With rising inflation, possibly confusing but smart technology solutions, and an increase in energy efficiency mandates, facilities managers are increasingly struggling with how to do more with less. At Facilities Management Advisor’s FM NOW: Smart Buildings virtual summit on November 1, Phil Zito, CEO of the Smart Buildings Academy, was the guest speaker for the […]