Category: Safety

Lab tech working with corrosive chemicals

The Impacts of Corrosive Chemicals on Facility Safety

Are the workers in your facility prepared to recognize the dangers posed by corrosive chemicals? If this question makes you hesitate for even a second, you should give them the information they need to protect themselves.

Epinephrine, anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis and Your Facility: Know the Signs, Be Prepared

Lots of people have allergies—some people break out in sniffles when the pollen count is high; others can’t have pets because dog hair or cat hair makes their eyes swell up and water. But none of those allergies resemble the dramatic, life-threatening reaction that is anaphylaxis. As a facilities manager, you should know the risk […]

Warehouse worker

10 Warehouse Safety Measures You Need Right Away

Workers in warehouse and storage facilities in the United States continue to experience a large number of injuries requiring days away from work. A great many of these injuries are musculoskeletal disorders, with the most common being sprains, strains, and tears.

Warehouse disaster fire and smoke

Determining Your Facility’s Disaster Risk Factors

As facility professionals, we pay close attention to newsworthy workplace disasters. Based on the scale and severity of these incidents, perhaps we assume they could not occur in our own organizations—after all, this is what we work to prevent. But the fact is, disasters can happen anywhere.

Will You Be Ready When the Next Storm Strikes?

It’s important for facility managers to be ready for any emergency, and that includes preparing for weather emergencies. So, when that dreaded alert from the National Weather Service pops up on your computer or phone: “Area Flood Warning” predicting storm activity such as high winds and heavy, sustained rainfall for your area, will your team […]

Marijuana (cannabis) buds and joints on a desk

Marijuana in the Workplace: Legalization, Testing Laws, and More

With more than 2,000 estimated growing facilities in the U.S., and with 5 times more employees than the coal industry, the cannabis (Marijuana) business is booming. Thirty-four states, along with the District of Columbia (D.C.), have medical marijuana statutes on the books. In addition, 10 states and D.C. have also approved it for recreational use, […]

Businesswoman holding her back in pain while working at her desk

Four Steps for Improving Workplace Ergonomics

It’s no secret that ergonomics programs often struggle to make an impact. All too often, they start off with a flurry of training and assessments and then fizzle out when people realize that there’s more talking about ergonomics than implementing ergonomics improvements. The ergonomics program starts to feel like more cost than benefit to management, […]

Office workers in surgical masks with coughing coworker.

Flu Protection: Respirators vs. Surgical Masks

The 2019-2020 flu season appears to be off to an early start, though we’re a long way off from the peak, which is typically hits in February. This can be a high-risk period for workers in healthcare facilities where sick people may be streaming in because of an extensive community outbreak. Healthcare employers are required […]

Warehouse workers moving a pallet truck

Stacking Up Ways to Reduce Risk at Warehouse Facilities

With more than 1 million people employed in warehouses and storage facilities in the United States, warehouses play a critical role in the flow of goods and services that fuel our economy. But the work can be hazardous, and vigilance is required. Here we’ll review the hazards facilities managers should be aware of, alongside solutions, […]