Category: Safety

Worker in cold office wants space heater

Should You Allow Space Heaters in Your Facility?

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, workers or tenants at your facility may start to bombard you with complaints about the temperature. Invariably, the follow up questions will surely relate to whether or not you allow the use of portable space heaters in the colder areas of your building. So, should you?

COVID-19 testing

CDC Revises Definition of ‘Close Contact’ for COVID-19

On October 21, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced updated COVID-19 guidance, specifically the definition of “close contact.” The expanded definition states that the 15-minute exposure period should be measured based on a cumulative amount of time over 24 hours and not just a single 15-minute interaction.

Michigan Emblem on Mask

Michigan Latest State to Issue Emergency COVID-19 Regulations

The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) issued emergency regulations for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) exposures in the workplace. The regulations include a requirement for remote work, when feasible. Michigan becomes the second state, following Virginia, to issue emergency COVID-19 regulations.

Aerial view of cars in parking lot

Safety Tips for Your Facility’s Parking Lot

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), business and/or facility owners have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace. While this is straightforward on its surface, what many facility managers may not realize is that maintaining a safe work environment at their (or their organization’s) facilities can extend beyond their front door and […]

Workers in facility with masks and proper distancing

How to Bring Workers Back Safely to Your Facility

With facilities across the country slowly reopening, workers are returning to a changed landscape with new procedures and office norms. This means that companies must review their emergency preparedness plans and adapt them to the realities of the pandemic.


Is Your Facility Ready for National Preparedness Month?

September is right around the corner, which means that National Preparedness Month (NPM) will soon be in full swing. The National Safety Council (NSC) uses this time to foster awareness around the ways you can prepare yourselves and families for any disaster that could impact your facilities, homes, and communities. The NPM theme for the […]


Addressing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Exposure Risk Using Engineering Controls

Due to increasing COVID-19 case counts across many states, public health officials are recommending source control measures to reduce disease transmission, including mandatory mask use in public places. Unfortunately, these measures rely upon the user’s effective compliance, both in work and in social settings. Growing evidence suggests that aerosols may play a part in the […]

Facility manager at desk controlling smart devices with a tablet

Why Smarter Workplaces Will Help Us Recover Faster

With an estimated 2.7 billion people (or 80% of the global workforce) having been affected by COVID-19-related lockdowns, returning to work isn’t an event; it’s a process of recovery, efficiency and resilience. For businesses to survive the present and thrive into the future, they will need to adopt technological advances that will help them work […]

Water damage, water intrusion

Keeping an Eye Out for Facility Water Intrusion

Water intrusion can cause a host of issues impacting buildings and the health of the people who use them. Facilities managers, in particular those at hospitals and other medical facilities that serve potentially vulnerable populations, must be aware of this sometimes-invisible threat and take steps to protect against fungal exposure.