Category: Safety

Louisiana Awards Schools Over $20M for Security Upgrades

The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) has awarded over $20 million to harden the perimeters of K-12 schools across the state. The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved the LDOE’s Stronger Connections Grant program allocations to 39 traditional public and public charter systems. According to the LDOE, the funds will be used […]

Back to Basics: Emergency Exits and Keeping the Way Out Clear

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. During a fire or another emergency, your employees need a clear exit route and clearly marked and unlocked exit doors. Your employees’ exit route must remain unobstructed by equipment or stored items, and employees must be […]

Using Robotics to Improve Workplace Safety

Despite concerted efforts to reduce both serious injury and death on the job, workplace fatality rates in the United States have remained largely unchanged over the past three decades. To help reverse this devastating development and assist organizations on their safety journeys, the National Safety Council (NSC) recently released a white paper through its Work to […]

A Three-Part Strategy for Workplace Violence Programs

In August of 1986, a postal employee threatened with losing his job walked into a post office with a mailbag full of guns and ammunition and opened fire. He did not say a word—he just started shooting and killing. Six postal workers were wounded, and 14 were killed. That was one of several shootings that took […]

Lighting Project Aims to Boost Campus Safety at University of Nebraska–Lincoln

A summer construction project will cast the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in a new light—a few dozen of them, actually. The project, which will commence in June and should wrap by the start of the fall semester, will add and replace more than 50 lights along high-traffic walkways on City and East Campus. Most of the 13-foot-tall, pole-mounted […]

Webinar Watch: FM NOW Sessions on Secure Buildings

On Tuesday, June 20, make sure to join your colleagues and expert panelists for our FM NOW: Secure Buildings virtual summit! The FREE educational sessions will cover critical topics for facility security, including system integration, live events, and active shooters. Can’t make it to the live webinars? No worries! All registrants also receive a link […]

Anheuser-Busch Required to Improve Safety at 11 Facilities Under EPA Settlement

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a settlement with Anheuser-Busch LLC resolving the brewing giant’s violations of the Clean Air Act’s chemical accident prevention requirements and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. Anheuser-Busch will pay $537,000 in penalties and implement a comprehensive safety review of all 11 of its breweries that use the […]

Tech That Can Improve Emergency Lockdown Protocols

The rapid growth of technology has bettered our world in countless ways, some that we probably hardly ever consider. One of these is the amount of safety we have access to if we choose to access it. Another thing that technology has done is give us access to news anytime we want it. Through social […]

What’s Ahead for this Hurricane Season?

June marks the official start of hurricane season, which runs through Nov. 30. But how many of these potentially dangerous storms should we expect (and prepare for) this year? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently released its 2023 Atlanta Hurricane Season outlook, which forecasts a “near-normal” season. Specifically, the agency predicts a 40% chance of […]

Infographic: Why Do Building Codes Matter?

Facilities managers should understand the importance of meeting current building codes, both when constructing and when maintaining safe and sustainable facilities. This infographic offers key reasons why building codes matter, courtesy of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). To read more about building codes and how they are updated, be sure to check out “Back […]