Category: Human Resources

Need Construction Workers for Your Facility Project? Big Labor Shortage May Be a Problem

For the past two-plus years, facilities professionals have been struggling with COVID, the Great Resignation, and supply chain issues, leading to a lack of materials and major delays on facility retrofits and new-construction projects across the country. Although such problems were expected to continue in 2022, a new report from the Associated Builders and Contractors […]

Workers Worldwide Worry About Office Air Quality

Nearly three out of four (72%) surveyed office workers express concern about their building’s indoor air quality (IAQ), according to a new report from Honeywell. Titled “Workplace Air Quality: A Global Concern Emerges,” the report presents the findings of Honeywell’s second annual Healthy Buildings Survey, which recently queried 3,000 office workers in buildings with 500-plus workers in ASEAN, Germany, India, the Middle East, […]

Vast Majority of Workers More Wary of Offices Amid COVID-19 Variants

With the rise of new COVID-19 variants, 87% of workers have heightened concerns about working in an office building, according to a new survey. Honeywell released initial findings from its second annual study on workers’ perceptions and feelings on the health and safety of their workplace. Conducted by Wakefield Research, the study surveyed 3,000 office workers […]

OSHA’s Next Move: Agency at Work on Permanent COVID-19 Safety Standard

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is moving forward with plans to issue a permanent rule aimed at requiring employees of large employers to either be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face weekly testing. OSHA announced on January 25 it is withdrawing the emergency temporary standard (ETS) it issued on November 5 and that […]

Neither Sleet nor Snow nor COVID-19 Stops Supreme Court from Its Appointed Rounds

Editor’s note: The Supreme Court’s recent rulings on vaccine mandates for large employers and healthcare workers are sure to impact facility operations. In this article, a legal expert provides an in-depth look into the justices’ decisions and offers some predictions. It snowed in Washington, D.C., over Jan. 6 and 7, and all federal buildings were […]

Supreme Court Rejects One Vax Mandate, But Employers Urged to Stay Tuned

The U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of a major part of the Biden administration’s plan to boost the vaccination of workers against COVID-19 means many large employers can stand down on their plans to comply with a rule requiring the shots or testing, but they are free to institute their own mandates as long as such […]

8 Core Requirements of OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate for Employers

Update – Jan. 14, 2022: The U.S. Supreme Court made its ruling on Jan. 13. For initial updates and analysis, please read “Supreme Court Rejects One Vax Mandate, But Employers Urged to Stay Tuned” here. At press time, the country waits for the U.S. Supreme Court to decide the fate of the Occupational Safety and […]

COVID Highlights Importance of Agile and Activity-Based Working Models

For the past two years, workplaces have had to quickly adapt to the global pandemic, forcing them to utilize facilities management principles of agile working, activity-based working, or a combination of the two. These principles were discussed by Tony Mayfield, the keynote speaker for the recent “Facilities Management Now: An Online Educational Experience Virtual Summit.” […]

5-Step Checklist: How to Improve Facilities Management for Better Customer Service

Customer service is a tricky thing. Excellent customer service is even trickier. The facilities management (FM) function is complex and multi-dimensional, and can encompass both external and internal parties impacted by or using the facilities. Expectations from different customers can vary greatly. For example, the requirements of vendors or suppliers who may occasionally visit a […]

Cleanliness Tops Return-to-Work Priorities for Both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Employees

With COVID-19 cases surging and the fear of contracting the next highly transmissible contagion widespread, American workers are placing a renewed emphasis on cleaning, according to a new survey by the Cleaning Coalition of America. The survey finds that U.S. workers increasingly value enhanced cleaning of the workplace and feel safer seeing professional cleaners on site—a […]