Category: Grounds Management

Tree removal. Large tree branch lowered down and prepared for grinding.

Aerial Lifts, Falling Limbs, and Traffic Control Present Additional Hazards to Tree Care Workers

Yesterday we examined the steps OSHA’s taking to protect tree care workers alongside some of the agency’s general procedural recommendations to keep employees safe on the job. Today, we’ll expand the discussion to include some of the more specific hazards surrounding tree care work, from chippers to aerial lifts, and best practices for controlling them.

Subject: A tree surgeon arborist expert working on removing a tree branch with chain saw and heavy equipment.

OSHA Recommendations for Tree Care Workers

Of all the jobs available in the United States, tree care operations continually rank among the most hazardous. Landscape service workers comprise less than 1 percent of the total workforce but account for 3.5 percent of all workplace fatalities, according to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries; of those fatalities, 75 percent are […]

Cashier in food truck

Accommodating Food Trucks and Other Mobile Vendors at Your Facility

A large part of attracting new talent or tenants to your facility or property is providing the amenities they want. Talk of the top amenities conjures visions of open floor plans, human-centric lighting, or even a break room stocked with board games, table tennis, and dart boards. But amenities don’t always have to fit inside […]

Sprayer treating grass with glyphosate

EPA Proposes Glyphosate Reregistration

It’s spring again, and facility landscapes are starting to buzz with the sounds of landscaping crews cutting grass, laying down fresh mulch, and of course, trying to get ahead of the weeds. The herbicide Glyphosate, the active ingredient in over 750 products, including Roundup®, the world’s most popular herbicide, has been a central component in […]


Facilities Groundskeeping Safety Week, Part 4: Deadly Insects

Would you consider bees to be an occupational hazard? In 2007, three workers were stung by bees while harvesting almonds in Texas; one of them was stung more than 60 times and had to be taken to the hospital. In 2008, a worker in California was stung while driving a tractor and died of an […]

Pesticide safety

Facilities Groundskeeping Safety Week, Part 3: Pesticide Hazards

How do you get rid of crabgrass on your facility grounds? Or insects? Or clover, thistle, dandelion, or any of the other weeds that mar your attractive landscaping? Hand weeding may be a good option for a well-mulched flowerbed, but pesticides may be the most effective solution for large grounds and lawns. If your workers […]

Leaf blower

Facilities Groundskeeping Safety Week, Part 2: Leaf Blower Hazards

Leaf blowers aren’t just for autumn—you’ll see them in use throughout the year. They can be used to blow the grass off your mower, to blow cut grass off sidewalks and paths … they have essentially replaced brooms and rakes for many tasks. They may be time-savers, but leaf blowers also pose hazards.

Mower, mowing

Facilities Groundskeeping Safety Week, Part 1: Mower Hazards

Summer is fast approaching in the northern hemisphere. Soon enough, facilities management professionals will be out in force, working hard to keep their grounds and buildings attractive for tenants and customers, with the familiar growl of mowers and lawn tractors, the howl of leaf blowers, and the whiz of string trimmers echo through the land. […]

Snow plow in a facility's cleared parking lot

Tips for Outdoor Winter Work at Your Facility

Winter is here, and many parts of the country are seeing snow. With the seasonal changes come the hazards of outdoor work in cold conditions, snow and ice removal, and other dangers. At its Winter Weather resource site, OSHA lists 10 common winter weather hazards that employers should train employees to recognize.

Facility with Trees

Is CPTED Still in Use Today?

The security concept known as CPTED—or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design—started back in the 1970s with the publication of architect Oscar Newman’s book, Defensible Spaces. His thinking has influenced building designers, facility maintenance directors, security consultants, and even police agencies since that time. The question today is, does it still work?