Category: Access Control

How Do Sports Fans Perceive Safety and Security at Games?

In late September, the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at the University of Southern Mississippi released a new report. The primary purpose of this research was to gauge sport spectators’ perceptions of safety and security at live events; awareness and support of policies and procedures; and willingness to embrace new measures […]

Report: MSU’s Response to Mass Shooting Was ‘Appropriate, Timely, and Correct’

Michigan State University (MSU) has released an independent review of the institution’s response to the mass shooting that occurred on Feb. 13, 2023. Three students were killed and five others were injured during the tragic event. The 25-page report, prepared by Security Risk Management Consultants (SRMC), details the firm’s findings and recommendations to strengthen campus safety […]

Selling Unified Physical Security Systems to the C-Suite

When it comes to budgeting, physical security technology has been historically regarded as a cost center, an operational necessity focused on protecting people and assets. Technology advancements and the digital transformation of organizations are changing that perspective. Facility executives are becoming more aware of valuable data available in their security systems. Having sufficient data management […]

4 Reasons Your Facility Should Have Security Gates

We’ve all seen security gates at the mall that stop people from entering a closed store, but facilities and security managers should also install indoor and outdoor security gates in several other types of facilities, including restaurants, concession stands, arenas, hotels, parking garages, schools, museums, colleges, healthcare facilities, and airports. Additionally, security gates should be […]

Prevention Is Better than Reaction: 4 Smart Technologies to Secure Your Facility

Though recently published data indicates some physical crime rates such as burglary and aggravated assault may be declining across the U.S., other incidents including motor vehicle theft have been seen to increase by over 33%. In addition, violent crime rates remain elevated when compared to figures seen in recent years, placing unwanted stress on property […]

Oakland Airport Completes $11M Security Exit Project

Oakland International Airport (OAK) has completed its Terminal 2 (T2) Security Exit Project. The exit upgrade will increase security at the airport and features new art that will welcome passengers to Oakland, Calif. Project costs totaled approximately $11 million with a six-month construction period. “I’d like to thank our passengers for their patience over the […]

Implementing Active Shooter Technology at Your Facility

Unfortunately, as gun violence continues to increase throughout the United States, all types of facilities should strive to know how to deal effectively with active shooter situations. There were 649 mass shootings in 2022 alone and already over 300 this year as of June 2023, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Facilities Management Advisor’s FM […]

Alabama A&M University Invests in Campus Security Improvements

Alabama A&M University (AAMU) announced it is implementing proactive measures to improve public safety infrastructure on campus. New police body cameras, an upgraded surveillance grid, and other enhancements are in the works. The $600,000 investment in campus security aims to increase safety and accountability for the entire AAMU community. Starting this fall, all AAMU police […]

Safety First: Facility Design with Security in Mind

Security consultants should work with facilities management on the design and implementation of security methods and technologies in order to have the best facility security possible. Facilities Management Advisor’s FM Now: Secure Buildings online summit was held on June 20 and included an opening keynote session called “Design Development Considerations for Security Systems.” The session […]

New York Invests $13.2M in School Tech and Security Upgrades

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the approval of 48 Smart Schools Investment Plans focused on reimagining education in an evolving age and boosting school security. The approved plans, totaling $13.2 million, are part of the $2 billion Smart Schools Bond Act, a sweeping education technology program established in 2014. “Investing in our children’s education […]