Tag: visitor management

Report: Top Workplace Challenges Include Tech Adaptation and Physical Security

Ninety-six percent of organizations are encouraging or mandating on-site work with some regularity, highlighting a significant shift back to physical workplaces, according to new research from Envoy. However, organizational leaders face challenges in measuring success and managing their workspaces. The research found that organizations often lack the data and technology to ensure physical security, optimize […]

How a Visitor Management System Can Solve Facility Problems

Visitor management is an important part of making a great first impression on your visitors, as well as protecting their privacy and increasing safety. Facilities managers should therefore work with security leaders to implement a modern visitor management solution (VMS) that would adequately greet, process, and monitor those entering your facility. How Should It Be […]

How to Create Smarter Workplaces with Shrinking Office Footprints in 2024

Gallup measures employee engagement by surveying samples of the working population on various workplace issues, like profitability, productivity, customer service, and retention, linked to business outcomes. According to a recent Gallup poll, only 32% of U.S. employees overall were engaged in 2022. With the influx of new generations of professionals with different working styles, smart […]

Achieving Effective Physical Security: The Power of the 3Ps Model

While technological advancements have revolutionized security measures, it is crucial to recognize that technology alone cannot guarantee a secure environment. To achieve comprehensive security, physical security professionals from diverse industries must embrace the 3Ps Model: People, Policies, and Practices. By understanding and implementing this holistic approach, physical security professionals can create robust security frameworks that […]

Tech That Can Improve Emergency Lockdown Protocols

The rapid growth of technology has bettered our world in countless ways, some that we probably hardly ever consider. One of these is the amount of safety we have access to if we choose to access it. Another thing that technology has done is give us access to news anytime we want it. Through social […]

4 Main Issues as More Employees Return to Work

A new report from worktech company Eptura highlights macro trends at workplaces across the globe, including a wave of office returns and four main issues emerging in today’s post-pandemic work environment. The Workplace Index Report draws on a representative sample of more than 6,000 organizations within Eptura’s global customer base to showcase emerging patterns in […]

2022 Workplace Trends Provide Glimpse into Future of Offices in 2023

If 2022 trends are any indication, workplaces worldwide aren’t going anywhere, according to a new report from Envoy. More than half of workplace leaders (54%) invested more in the workplace in 2022 than in the previous year, a signal that a physical footprint remains important for team building and collaboration. Envoy’s new At Work: 2023 Workplace Trends […]

3 Remote Management Tools for Rental Properties

Rental properties demand a great deal of attention. Managing the business aspects alone—loan payments, taxes, accounting, and maintenance—can require more time than facility and plant managers have to give. Facility managers can’t always offload certain tasks that demand their specific skills and attention, but there are opportunities to delegate work that is better outsourced or […]

Tech Essentials for Advanced Facilities Management

The success of any business relies on maintaining good facilities and equipment. Many businesses have acknowledged the evolution of facilities management in recent years, as capabilities have drastically improved with recent technology trends. From monitoring the status of heavy equipment on a mobile app to gaining building access control using wearable technology, the future of […]

6 Ways to Increase Building Security in High-Turnover Industries

As a facilities manager, you’re probably fulfilling a variety of duties. One minute you’re a janitor, the next you’re an accountant, and another you’re a technician. In other words, you’re the corporate equivalent of a Swiss Army knife. That said, you can’t ignore your basic functions, such as keeping your building secure while employees and visitors come […]