Tag: facilities management

Emergency eye wash

Eyewash Stations: Do You Know the Requirements?

While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has few specific requirements for eyewash stations, there are good best practices available under American National Standards Institute (ANSI) voluntary standards. Experts at Safety.BLR.com® were recently asked a question about proper installation of eyewash stations—read on to see what they had to say and how it can […]

First Aid cabinet

Facility First Aid Kits: Should You Stock OTC Meds?

Facilities management professionals are often tasked with the proper supply of on-site first aid kits. When it comes to keeping medications stocked, there may be some question as to whether you should include over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and if so, which ones.

Shredded tire, tire crumbs

Do You Use Tire Crumb Rubber at Your Facility? You Should Read This Study

Recycled tire crumb rubber has a variety of potential uses in facility design, from flooring to mulching to playgrounds or playing fields. The EPA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission have released the first report in their investigation into recycled tire crumbs, […]

Facility safety

Guidance on 6 Action Items to Address Facility Hazards

OSHA reports that Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs is one of its most popular guidance publications. The agency originally published this document in 1988 and issued the first update in October 2016. In that revision, OSHA stated that much had changed over the preceding 28 years in the nature of work, conditions in […]

Warehouse worker

10 Warehouse Safety Measures You Need Right Away

Workers in warehouse and storage facilities in the United States continue to experience a large number of injuries requiring days away from work. A great many of these injuries are musculoskeletal disorders, with the most common being sprains, strains, and tears.


Facility Emergency Preparedness: EPA’s Disaster Debris Guide

After a natural disaster, you may be dealing with a lot of debris at your facility, whether it be generated from damage to the buildings themselves or to the property surrounding them—and cleanup is costly and time consuming. The EPA has reissued its debris guide that places stronger emphasis on pre-incident planning for disaster-related waste […]

training tablet

Education and Training Opportunities for Facilities Management Professionals

Facilities managers tend to wear many hats. Over time, facilities management titles have evolved to include a variety of tasks and job descriptions. Everything from security to construction to building maintenance to project management to energy management has come to define the average facility director or manager. As the job title has diversified in meaning, […]

Facility with Trees

If a Tree Falls on Your Facility, It Will Make a Sound: Keeping an Eye on Tree Health

To a facility manager, a picture can be worth a thousand words, and the trees on their facility grounds are an important part of that image. Their value also extends well beyond the ornamental; healthy trees help curb cooling costs, manage stormwater, clean the air by intercepting pollutants, and provide some shade where your or […]

disaster plan green button

6 Steps for Reevaluating Your Facility’s Disaster Plan

The best time to reevaluate (or create) your disaster plan is before an emergency occurs. You never know when a disaster will strike and how it will affect your facility. The key is to be prepared, and the best way to be prepared is to periodically review, reevaluate, and appropriately adapt or change your plan.


5 Considerations for Your Facility’s Lighting

Light is a force that has a powerful impact on the human body. Studies have shown that dedicated applications of lighting can have an effect on all aspects of a worker’s experience, including reduction in eyestrain, illness, accidents, and even absenteeism. Here are 5 key considerations when evaluating and optimizing the lighting in your facility.