Category: Plumbing

Back to Basics: 7 Renovations to Create Touchless Restrooms

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. I have a friend who is not a fan of public restrooms for obvious reasons. However, when nature calls, we all must listen. When we stopped at a recently renovated Interstate 95 service plaza, he was […]

Commercial Maintenance to Prepare Your Business for the New Year Ahead

A commercial building is a big undertaking, and there are various responsibilities that fall on business owners throughout the year to keep them safe and functional. But while maintenance is an ongoing task, the new year is the perfect time to reset and take stock of your space so you can check that everything is […]

Ensuring Your Facility’s Drinking Fountain Is ADA Compliant

Whether you’re a facilities manager planning new construction, performing a renovation project, or simply ensuring your facility is following the law, it is important to make sure that your drinking fountains are compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The experts at Haws Corp. recently covered the ins and outs of compliance during […]

Back to Basics: Preventing and Dealing with Plumbing Clogs at Your Facility

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. Whether they’re in a sink, toilet, tub, shower, or floor drain, clogs can cause serious problems for homeowners and business owners alike. While there are ways facilities professionals can help prevent drains from getting clogged at […]

What Is Aridification, and How Can Facility Managers Help Address the Issue?

An elderly but long-time Californian remembers 1976 as a fun year. The economy was finally pulling out of a recession that started in 1973. The Watergate “nightmare,” as then-President Ford called it, was behind us. And Californians were having a lot of fun with—of all things—a drought that year. They made up comical jingles to […]

Simplifying Hygienic Restroom Upgrades

Restrooms are visible evidence of the overall standards in a building, and with the continuing heightened awareness around hygiene in buildings, restroom upgrade projects are moving up in priority. In research conducted by Zurn Water Solutions into the impact of COVID-19 on the restroom experience, respondents ranked “touching fixtures” as their top concern in public […]

Prevent Indoor Mold to Protect Facility Occupants

Mold can happen to any building at any time if the conditions are right. Mold is three things: persistent, resourceful, and low maintenance. It requires very little to live and can sneak right into any type of facility if given the opportunity. Once it starts growing, it can quickly become a large-scale problem and begin […]

What Are Healthy Buildings?

As we head into Healthy Buildings Week here at Facilities Management Advisor, one might ask: “What are healthy buildings?” Healthy buildings involve a variety of categories, including design, cleaning protocols, ventilation, water quality, safety and security, clear communication and signage, encouragement of active occupants, and certification programs. Healthy buildings take on added importance as many workers […]

5 Ways COVID Changed How Americans View Public Restrooms

Upon entering the third year of the pandemic, Americans are not only more sensitive to germs in public restrooms, they now hold higher standards for the cleanliness, condition, and technology used in these shared spaces, according to the annual Healthy Handwashing Survey from Bradley Corp. conducted in January. Despite ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks, most Americans have […]

As COVID Cases Trend Downward, So Do Americans’ Handwashing Habits

Handwashing frequency has decreased 25% among American adults compared to when COVID-19 first hit, according to the latest Healthy Handwashing Survey from Bradley Corp. Specifically, in spring 2020, Americans were washing their hands an average of 10.5 times per day. This January, that number dropped by one-fourth to 7.8 times per day. While the adult […]