Category: Heating and Cooling

Worker in cold office wants space heater

Should You Allow Space Heaters in Your Facility?

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, workers or tenants at your facility may start to bombard you with complaints about the temperature. Invariably, the follow up questions will surely relate to whether or not you allow the use of portable space heaters in the colder areas of your building. So, should you?

HVAC repair technician removing a blower motor from air handler

4 Simple Tips for Cutting Your HVAC Costs

The weather can be one fickle beast, and its unpredictability can really do a number on your energy bill. At the center of the issue is your facility’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. HVAC, like many aspects of facilities management, is rarely noticed by tenants and occupants when it’s functioning properly; but once […]

AIHA, Other Groups Form Indoor Environmental Quality Alliance

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and five other groups formed a new international association on indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance (IEQ-GA) will serve as a platform for the exchange of indoor environmental knowledge and information and will promote education and research into the health and environmental quality in buildings.

Indoor Air Quality and Worker Health

Facility managers are responsible for handling a number of key elements that relate to the overall health, wellness, and safety of the workers in their organization. There are many hazards in a facility that are straightforward to address: putting out wet floor signs to alert workers to a slip and fall hazard, or providing hearing […]

Indoor Heat

Are You Familiar with Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Proposal?

If you’re a facilities manager in California, you should be staying up to date on the developments! California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) recently revised its draft indoor heat illness prevention standard to address stakeholders’ concerns. Employers would have to maintain the indoor temperature and heat index below 87 degrees Fahrenheit when workers […]

kids running at school

Integration of Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency at Two Schools

The Blue Valley School District (BVSD) in Overland Park, Kansas, in 2006 became the first US school district to receive the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tool for Schools National Model of Sustained Excellence Award for its efforts to improve IAQ and energy efficiency. But the BVSD actually began its program in […]