Category: Heating and Cooling

worker productivity

How Facility Management Impacts Employee Productivity Levels

The environment in which we live and work significantly affects our health, safety, and general well-being. Therefore, it’s unsurprising that factors relating to the work environment can have notable impacts on employees, including their productivity levels.


The Critical Need to Develop and Promote Healthy Buildings

One of the most difficult facets of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a fear of interacting with our loved ones, acquaintances, colleagues, or even total strangers while indoors. Ensuring that the spaces where we work and live are healthy and safe for continued occupancy is critical to overcoming the pandemic, and should be seen as […]


HVAC Maintenance Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Goodway Technologies, a Connecticut-based provider of industrial HVAC maintenance solutions, is reminding facility managers how critical the cleaning and maintenance of an HVAC system is to indoor air quality (IAQ). While many facility managers have long understood the importance of IAQ, the pandemic has brought an increased emphasis on the need to keep employees and […]

energy efficiency

ASHRAE Helps State Meet ‘Clean Buildings’ Energy Law With Customized Standard

Washington State is providing assistance to eligible building owners that comply with energy performance standards in advance of mandatory deadlines. Early compliance will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy consumption, which also will save operating costs. The Clean Buildings law, which authorized the program, requires certain commercial buildings to comply with state energy performance standards. […]

Building Ventilation Prep for Summer 2021’s Most Pressing Hazards

Are you prepared to fully reopen your facilities during an ongoing, if waning, pandemic and the threat of wildfires this summer? States and localities are rolling back pandemic precautions as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccinations roll out across the United States–President Biden pledged May 4 that 70% of American adults would receive at least one vaccine dose […]

Workers in facility with masks and proper distancing

What Facility Managers Need to Know about Germicidal UV-C

Safely getting employees, clients, and customers back into buildings remains top of mind for facilities professionals of all stripes, and many are looking to technology to help with the process. UV light has tremendous potential to help mitigate airborne pathogens, but unfamiliarity with this decades-old germicide has prevented some building and facility engineers from incorporating […]

Worker in cold office wants space heater

Should You Allow Space Heaters in Your Facility?

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, workers or tenants at your facility may start to bombard you with complaints about the temperature. Invariably, the follow up questions will surely relate to whether or not you allow the use of portable space heaters in the colder areas of your building. So, should you?

HVAC repair technician removing a blower motor from air handler

4 Simple Tips for Cutting Your HVAC Costs

The weather can be one fickle beast, and its unpredictability can really do a number on your energy bill. At the center of the issue is your facility’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. HVAC, like many aspects of facilities management, is rarely noticed by tenants and occupants when it’s functioning properly; but once […]

AIHA, Other Groups Form Indoor Environmental Quality Alliance

The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and five other groups formed a new international association on indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance (IEQ-GA) will serve as a platform for the exchange of indoor environmental knowledge and information and will promote education and research into the health and environmental quality in buildings.