
mold on a wall

A Checklist for Preventing Mold Growth in Your Facility

It’s been pretty damp lately in some parts of the country, given the dramatic amount of precipitation that fell in one form or another this past winter. For many parts of the country, spring is simply bringing more precipitation and the sun isn’t out enough to help deal with all the moisture. This leads to […]

fire alarm

Workplace Fire, is Your Organization Ready?

At 5:50 p.m. on May 9, 2015, with the workday wrapping up, a transformer exploded at the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Westchester, New York, 50 miles north of Manhattan. The sprinkler systems triggered, and emergency response crews scrambled, working to keep the fire from reaching the nuclear installation just 200 yards away. The […]

Office workers in surgical masks with coughing coworker.

Flu Protection: Respirators vs. Surgical Masks

The 2019-2020 flu season appears to be off to an early start, though we’re a long way off from the peak, which is typically hits in February. This can be a high-risk period for workers in healthcare facilities where sick people may be streaming in because of an extensive community outbreak. Healthcare employers are required […]

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When to Evacuate During an Emergency

It’s a facility owner’s worst nightmare. Last night, the news covered a possible storm headed your way. Rain and hail were in the forecast, but the strong winds were not. After a tree falls on part of your facility, the power cuts out and dangerous chemicals spill.

Close up of xeriscaped landscape bed

How Xeriscaping Can Reduce Water Use and Maintenance

As green buildings become more widespread, it’s important to not overlook how we can turn outdoor spaces into more sustainable designs. Xeriscaping is one landscaping method that creates a low-water natural space that is not only easy to maintain, it’s beneficial to the environment.

Warehouse workers moving a pallet truck

Stacking Up Ways to Reduce Risk at Warehouse Facilities

With more than 1 million people employed in warehouses and storage facilities in the United States, warehouses play a critical role in the flow of goods and services that fuel our economy. But the work can be hazardous, and vigilance is required. Here we’ll review the hazards facilities managers should be aware of, alongside solutions, […]


Facility Emergency Preparedness: EPA’s Disaster Debris Guide

After a natural disaster, you may be dealing with a lot of debris at your facility, whether it be generated from damage to the buildings themselves or to the property surrounding them—and cleanup is costly and time consuming. The EPA has reissued its debris guide that places stronger emphasis on pre-incident planning for disaster-related waste […]

photo of a restroom

Question: How Many Bathrooms Are Required at Your Facility?

Every facility needs bathrooms, and your organization’s bathroom requirements will change as its employee population grows. But have you stopped to consider whether or not you are required to provide a specific number of toilets based on the size of your company? Recently, a question came in to the experts at regarding the ratio […]

Busy emergency room

Violence Prevention Program Participation Essential for Workers in Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare workers experience a disproportionately high occurrence of assaults compared to the U.S. workforce as a whole. These assaults are most common in hospital facilities but also occur in smaller clinics, psychiatric and social service facilities, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, homes visited by workers, and during transportation of patients. The wide variety […]