
Public-Private Partnership Works Toward Greener Heating Tech

The Biden administration’s U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has confirmed the first six industry partners to participate in the Cold Climate Heat Pump Technology Challenge. The challenge, which was announced in May at the White House, aims to reduce the carbon footprint of cold-climate heating solutions by improving the efficiency and affordability of new heat pumps in the field. Through […]

Safely Reopening Idle Buildings

As the COVID pandemic gradually subsides, facility managers and HVAC professionals worldwide face the challenge of safely bringing buildings back online. While ensuring the mechanical system is ready to handle the many challenges of increased occupancy is important, minimizing the possible transmission of SAR-CoV-2 is critical. The following article is designed to provide facility managers […]

NFPA Provides Fire Stats for 2020, a ‘Far from Typical’ Year

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has released findings from its latest “Fire Loss in the U.S.” report, which shows that the total number of U.S. fires overall rose 8% from 2019 to 2020. While some year-to-year fluctuation is normal, NFPA said this increase reflects a “far from typical” year due to the pandemic.  “In […]

Center for Green Schools Releases Fact Sheets to Help Boost Indoor Air Quality

The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council released a series of fact sheets with strategies for improving indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools. The IAQ Fact Sheet Series is designed to help people without a technical background—such as school board members, teachers, and parents—to understand details about IAQ so that they can […]

Is the Future of Access Control Touchless?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic made its way across the world, a handful of physical access control manufacturers were working on creating a frictionless authentication process that would involve a hassle-free and touch-free experience. Fast-forward to 2021, where we’re almost two years into this virus that has made everyone wary of door handles and nearly every […]

How to Prevent and Fix Sewage Backups

Commercial and industrial (C&I) toilets, sewage drains, shower and tub drains, and utility tub drains can clog and back up, at any time, causing major damage to floors, walls, furniture, HVAC systems, electrical systems, and a property’s structural integrity. Mitigation, remediation, and restoration costs of sewage backups can be anywhere from a couple of thousand […]

How IT/OT Has Turned Physical Security Into Cybersecurity

Anyone paying attention to the security industry of the past decade can tell you that the way we implement and carry out our tactical security programs is very different today than it used to be. Technology has brought massive changes into the physical security space, with smart cameras replacing eyeballs for surveillance, our cell phones […]

Lessons Learned About Cleaning Due to the Pandemic

We have learned a number of very valuable lessons from the pandemic that cannot be overlooked. This is true in many industry sectors but is especially true for facility managers, housekeeping departments, and contract cleaners hired to clean all types of commercial facilities. Some suggest the critical lesson learned from the pandemic is just how […]

Distributed Energy Resources ‘Rapidly Expanding’ in Commercial Buildings

Distributed energy resources (DER), including electric vehicle (EV) chargers, rooftop solar PV, and battery energy storage, are rapidly expanding in commercial buildings, according to a report from Guidehouse Insights. The report forecasts global spending on DER in commercial buildings to reach $17.6 billionin 2021, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.1% to […]

U.S. Manufacturing Partners Save $9B in Energy Costs Under ‘Better Plants’ Program

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released the Fall 2021 Better Buildings, Better Plants progress update. The report highlights more than 250 manufacturers and water utilities that have introduced energy efficiency and decarbonization measures, cumulatively saving $9.3 billion in energy costs and 1.9 quadrillion British thermal units (Btus)—more energy than the state of Wisconsin consumes […]