
FMA Shorts: What Are Must-Have Security Solutions for Public Venues?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, Scott Ashworth, head of safety and security at Overtime Elite, discusses top solutions to protect people during sports games and other live events. This clip was taken from a webinar titled “Scoring a Slam Dunk in Sports Security.” The full session is available for FREE on-demand here.

FMA Shorts: What Are the Present and Future Challenges for Facilities Managers?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, prominent FM instructor Alana Dunoff discusses some of the major changes facing the facilities management industry. This clip was taken from a webinar titled “Refreshing Your ‘Why’ as a Facilities Manager.”  The full session is available for FREE on-demand here.

FMA Shorts: What Are Some Emerging Trends in the Security Industry?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, Larry Thompson, vice president of security for the Orlando Magic, offers insights into the future of security operations. This clip was taken from a webinar titled “Scoring a Slam Dunk in Sports Security.” The full session is available for FREE on-demand here.

FMA Shorts: What Are Some Cost-Effective Healthy Building Strategies?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, Joanna Frank, founding president and CEO of the Center for Active Design and operator of the Fitwel certification program, offers healthy building solutions that won’t break the bank. This clip was taken from a webinar session titled “Healthy Building Strategies: Putting Sustainability and People First.” The full session […]

FMA Shorts: How Is the Labor Shortage Impacting Organizations?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, John Swofford, vice president of sales for TMA Systems, offers insight into ways that today’s labor shortage is impacting companies. This clip was taken from a recent webinar titled “How to Address the Labor Shortage with Technology.” The full webinar is available for FREE on-demand here.

FMA Shorts: Why Should Facility Teams Avoid Relying on One All-Knowing Member?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, David Trask, national director of ARC Facilities, warns about creating “single points of failure” in a facilities management team. This clip was taken from a recent webinar titled “Capturing Building Knowledge with Mobile Tech.” The full webinar is available for FREE on-demand here.

FMA Shorts: Should a New Facility Manager Review a Facility’s Safety Plan?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, Lesley Groff, Senior Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds at UGI Utilities Inc., explains whether new facility managers should review a facility’s existing safety plan. This clip was taken from a recent webinar panel session titled “The Facility Manager’s Role in Maintaining a Safe Workplace.” The full session is […]

FMA Shorts: What’s a Major Weak Link in Facility Security?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, Jamie Hamilton, senior building security, energy, and branding consultant at NGS, explains why windows are a security weakness at facilities. This clip was taken from a recent webinar panel session titled “How to Improve Building Sustainability, Resilience, and Aesthetics at the Same Time.” The full session is available […]

FMA Shorts: What Is ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)?

On this latest episode of FMA Shorts, Caitlin Horsley, senior manager of ESG programs at F5, discusses the key pillars of ESG initiatives. This clip was taken from a recent webinar panel session titled “Why Your ESG Strategy Relies on Facilities Management.” The full session is available for FREE on-demand here.