Tag: water efficiency

USGBC Celebrates Over 23M Square Feet of LEED Certified Net Zero Space

In honor of Net Zero Buildings Week June 13-17, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) highlighted a milestone reflecting the growing demand for net zero buildings: The organization announced nearly 100 net zero certifications have been earned under the LEED Zero program, representing more than 23 million square feet of space. One-fourth of LEED Zero […]

Climate Change and Existing Buildings

For those who might have missed it, the Nov. 3, 2021, broadcast of Good Morning America had a fascinating segment about the steps New York City is taking to protect the city, its residents, and of course, its scores of buildings from the progression of climate change. According to the segment, Hurricane Sandy, which in […]

Are We ‘Out of the Woods’ When It Comes to Water Shortages? Efficiency Tips for FMs

The rainy season in California begins each year in October. When it started in October 2021, nearly half of the state was experiencing “exceptional” drought. This is the most severe category of drought. As for the rest of the state, 87% faced “extreme” drought, the second-most severe category. But flash forward three months, and it […]

3 Methods for Facility Managers to Grow Their Sustainability Efforts

Companies seem to be experiencing a sustainability shortfall, despite an uptick in the number of properties seeking Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, and similar accreditations. Although most corporate leaders agree that sustainability merits support, many organizations still don’t have formal sustainability measures in place. However, closing that gap may land squarely in the lap […]

DOE Announces $13M to Make Federal Facilities More Efficient

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $13 million in funding for 17 projects to implement energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and climate resilience technologies at federal facilities across the country. According to the DOE, the projects will use energy performance contracts at no additional up-front cost to the government and will lower energy […]