Tag: Waste Management

Practical Steps to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Meet Sustainability Goals

According to a 2023 report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), industries account for 24% of global CO₂ emissions, highlighting the critical role operations and maintenance teams must play in reducing environmental impact. As global concerns about climate change grow, businesses are under increasing pressure from regulators, stakeholders, and consumers to show their commitment to […]

Planning a Major Renovation? Think Ahead About Waste Removal

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a large-scale renovation project, especially when the end goal is a pristine new facility. Before that goal can be reached, however, there is bound to be some mess. One of the keys to any successful renovation project is planning ahead for that mess, specifically thinking […]

How FMs Can Build Trust and Drive Sustainable Change Through Transparency

Sustainability has become a major focus for facilities managers in today’s world. It’s not just about reducing energy consumption or waste and leveraging the power of data; it’s also about being transparent in sustainability efforts. Transparency plays a crucial role both internally and externally, and here’s why it’s so important in efforts to achieve lasting change. Building a Sustainable Corporate Culture Transparency about sustainability efforts within an organization helps to establish […]

Kansas City Soccer Stadium Scores Green Building Certification

CPKC Stadium, home of the Kansas City Current professional women’s soccer team in Missouri, has earned Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED certification is among the most widely used green building rating systems in the world. “We are thrilled to earn LEED Gold certification […]

Reimagining Facilities Management with the Internet of Things

Rapid technological advancements have dramatically altered how we live, work, and interact. This sentiment is especially true for facilities managers where digital tools like the Internet of Things (IoT) bring substantial benefits via automation and sensor-enabled intelligence. IoT-powered smart facilities streamline operations, reduce costs, and automate tasks, while meeting demands for sustainability, cleanliness, and seamless […]

Goal! Portland Timbers Stadium Scores Green Building Certification

Providence Park, home of Major League Soccer’s (MLS) Portland Timbers, has been awarded LEED Gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The Timbers pursued LEED Gold status for the stadium as part of the club’s environment-focused Green Is Gold campaign. “Obtaining LEED Gold certification at Providence Park has been a priority of our […]

Unleashing the Power of Data: Sustainability and Waste Reduction in Manufacturing

Waste in manufacturing facilities is a significant issue that has far-reaching impacts on both the environment and operational efficiencies. With manufacturing contributing to over 30% of the nation’s carbon footprint, the need for waste reduction is both critical and urgent. Manufacturers have a golden opportunity to enhance their sustainability and business performance. By using the […]

Top 10 Earth Day Must-Reads for Facilities Managers

Unless Elon Musk stops messing around with Twitter and gets us to Mars, Earth is our only home for the foreseeable future. That means we’ve got to take good care of the planet and conserve its finite natural resources. It’s also why sustainability is a hot topic all year long and why facilities managers are […]

Obtaining Sustainable Waste Reduction in Facilities

In 2018, the United States generated 292.4 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW), which is the trash created by homes, businesses, and institutions. While 32% was recycled or composted, Americans still have a long way to go in improving waste reduction and reducing our impact on the environment. As a facilities manager, you have […]

college campus

Report Ranks Top 50 Green Colleges Amid Rising Student Demand

Is your school green enough to attract eco-conscious students? The Princeton Review released the 2024 edition of its annual Guide to Green Colleges—an online resource the company has published since 2010 for college applicants wanting to attend schools that foster a culture of environmental responsibility. Based primarily on the company’s surveys of administrators at 683 colleges […]