Tag: termites


Back to Basics: Pay Attention to 5 Pest Hot Spots in Your Facilities

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important but possibly overlooked information facilities management professionals should know.  Now that we are in the middle of summer with warmer temperatures as the norm, you might have noticed pests entering your facility. But where are they coming in, you might ask? More than just a nuisance, […]

Beware These 5 Invasive Pests Causing Trouble Across the Country

Invasive species are causing serious concern as continued erratic weather conditions are allowing certain pests to increase their territory across the U.S. To help protect food, property, and health in the areas these pests invade, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) is sharing key information and prevention tips for five invasive pests causing trouble throughout the country. […]

Orkin Ranks Top 50 Termite-Infested Cities in the U.S.

Miami has overtaken Los Angeles for the No. 1 spot on Orkin’s annual Top 50 Termite Cities List. Tampa and Washington, D.C., rank third and fourth, respectively, with Raleigh rounding out the Top 5 this year. Orkin also provided tips to help prevent termites from destroying your property. The new Top 50 list is based on data from the […]

How to Launch an Integrated Pest Management Program

Facilities professionals know what a problem pests can be for the commercial properties they manage. To control pests, which could affect the cleanliness, appearance, and safety of facilities, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that professionals implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, an environmentally friendly and commonsense approach that could apply to any […]

Top 50 U.S. Cities for Termites, a.k.a. ‘Wood-Eating Machines’

There seems to be a changing of the guard, as the city of Angels has apparently become the city of… termites? Pest control specialist Orkin revealed Los Angeles is claiming the top spot for the first time on the company’s annual Top 50 Termites Cities list. Miami, the historic frontrunner, has fallen to second place, […]