Tag: remote monitoring

5 Ways to Use Your Surveillance Cameras Beyond Security

Over several decades, surveillance systems have evolved from recording and storing footage for playback later, to smart solutions enabling active security. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) has eliminated the need for someone to sit there reviewing hours’ worth of footage (if they even know what they’re looking for), and even then, if criminal activity […]

The Role of Smart Sensors, Cloud Tech, and Data Analytics in Facility Management

For a long time, facility management was a predominantly reactive practice. Major decisions, processes, and activities occurred after the fact. For instance, maintenance would happen reactively, or FMs would take action to remedy situations or improve processes only after they observed a problem in the facility. Doing things this way left too much room for inefficiencies. […]

How Automated Facilities Management Can Improve Your Profits

Today, facility managers face challenges that can jeopardize profits, including volatile utility and operating costs. With geopolitical uncertainty and unprecedented climate events resulting in energy supply vulnerability and soaring energy prices, companies have increased pressure to make their businesses more resilient. For example, during the Texas Freeze of 2021, electricity prices surged to $9,000 per […]