Tag: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

OSHA Proposes Indoor, Outdoor Heat Standard

On July 2, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released text of a proposed heat injury and illness prevention standard. The proposed regulation would contain requirements for water, shade, paid breaks, heat acclimatization, and training. Heat injury and illness prevention requirements would be triggered by a National Weather Service heat index of 80° Fahrenheit (F) or […]

Back to Basics: Workplace Heat Safety for Facilities

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important but possibly overlooked information facilities management professionals should know.  June is National Safety Month, and in this month’s Back to Basics, we look at workplace heat safety—a major concern not only for those working outdoors but also for indoor workers in facilities with lots of heat. […]

Back to Basics: 4 Types of Sprinklers to Consider for Your Facility

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. Whether facilities professionals are renovating an existing facility or doing new construction, installing the right type of sprinklers not only protects your facility from fires but also helps your organization adhere to federal, state, and local […]

Back to Basics: Emergency Exits and Keeping the Way Out Clear

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. During a fire or another emergency, your employees need a clear exit route and clearly marked and unlocked exit doors. Your employees’ exit route must remain unobstructed by equipment or stored items, and employees must be […]

OSHA Launches Heat Stress Initiatives

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) September 20 announced “enhanced and expanded efforts” to address worker exposures to excessive heat and heat-related illnesses. The agency will develop a National Emphasis Program (NEP) and workplace heat standards, according to a White House announcement of interagency efforts to address heat hazards.