Tag: HR

Want Workers to Return to the Office? Try Making It Greener

Amid a heightened war for talent among companies post-pandemic, U.S. employees have higher expectations for green office spaces and want their employers to make eco-friendly practices a priority, according to new research. Hygiene and health company Essity recently conducted a survey of workers who have returned to the office at least part-time and found that […]

Back in Office or Not? That Question Looms as Pandemic Subsides

As COVID-19 levels continue dropping across the country, employers are trying to plan out what the office environment will look like for the rest of the year. While many people have returned to school, restaurants, and sporting venues, many businesses and offices are still vacant or underutilized. Many employers that allowed or required employees to […]

NSC Survey: Workplace Safety Issues Correlate with Depression, Anxiety

As the country observes Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the National Safety Council (NSC) has announced that the results of its Workforce Trends Indicator Survey show feelings of depression and anxiety were strongly correlated with how safe a respondent felt at work.  Respondents who felt unsafe at work were nearly three times more likely […]

Workplace Safety Concerns Hit All-Time High for U.S. Employees

Most U.S. employees are more concerned about workplace safety than ever before, with worries ranging from health hazards to cybersecurity, and they expect employers to ensure their well-being while on the job, according to a new study from AlertMedia. Based on responses from over 2,000 full-time U.S. workers, the State of Employee Safety Report found […]

Do You Need an Office Manager or a Facility Manager? Know the Difference

Although office managers and facility managers have some overlapping roles and responsibilities, their contributions in the workplace are different and unique. As an employer, recruiter, or potential commercial building owner, if you are currently considering employing either of these managers in your premises, here are the details to help you narrow down which of these […]

Workers Worldwide Worry About Office Air Quality

Nearly three out of four (72%) surveyed office workers express concern about their building’s indoor air quality (IAQ), according to a new report from Honeywell. Titled “Workplace Air Quality: A Global Concern Emerges,” the report presents the findings of Honeywell’s second annual Healthy Buildings Survey, which recently queried 3,000 office workers in buildings with 500-plus workers in ASEAN, Germany, India, the Middle East, […]

Supreme Court Rejects One Vax Mandate, But Employers Urged to Stay Tuned

The U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of a major part of the Biden administration’s plan to boost the vaccination of workers against COVID-19 means many large employers can stand down on their plans to comply with a rule requiring the shots or testing, but they are free to institute their own mandates as long as such […]

Vax Mandate, Not Lax Mandate: Security Considerations for Vaccine Mandate Compliance

Despite rising COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations driven by the delta variant, executive leaders are pushing toward a post-pandemic return-to-work model that puts employees in the office at least two days a week. HR and IT/security professionals have been feeling squeezed between a rock and a hard place trying to meet workforce health, safety, technology, data […]

Punch clock, work time

5 Timekeeping Tips to Reduce Wage and Hour Risks Among Staff

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers must maintain records of hours worked by each nonexempt employee. That means companies bear the ultimate burden of showing that records of hours worked are in fact accurate. If an employer is sued by an employee, a group of employees, or the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) […]