Tag: facility manager

U.S. Superstores Have Huge Rooftop Solar Potential

By covering their roofs with solar panels, America’s big-box retail and grocery stores could generate enough clean electricity to power more than 7.9 million U.S. homes, according to a new report from Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group. The report, titled “Solar on Superstores: Big Roofs, Big Potential for Renewable Energy” also shows that […]

The Danger of Radon in Commercial Facilities: How to Detect and Mitigate

January is National Radon Action Month. When you say the word “radon,” most people probably think about residential homes. The majority of people probably never hear of radon until they buy or sell a house. But, the issue of radon spreads far beyond what can be found in homes. Radon found in commercial buildings is […]

Faces of Facilities: Dave Irvin from Florida State University

For facilities management professionals, the pandemic is not only a major challenge, but also a rare opportunity—a chance to prove just how important their work is. That’s according to Dave Irvin, Associate Vice President of Facilities at Florida State University (FSU). As the latest participant in our “Faces of Facilities” profile series, Irvin explained he […]

Neither Sleet nor Snow nor COVID-19 Stops Supreme Court from Its Appointed Rounds

Editor’s note: The Supreme Court’s recent rulings on vaccine mandates for large employers and healthcare workers are sure to impact facility operations. In this article, a legal expert provides an in-depth look into the justices’ decisions and offers some predictions. It snowed in Washington, D.C., over Jan. 6 and 7, and all federal buildings were […]

Back to Basics: The ADA’s Impact on Facility Compliance

Back to Basics is a new article series that highlights important, but possibly overlooked, information facilities management professionals should know. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that all facilities professionals should be aware of, especially when they renovate their facilities or construct new buildings. This article will look at private […]

Should Healthcare Facilities Adopt New Risk Management Tools?

Is your healthcare facility still using a paper-based system for risk management and compliance? It’s time to join the digital age! Compliance and risk management are crucial behind-the-scenes programs in healthcare facilities. But their success depends on accurate, accessible, and organized records. Three-ring binders crammed with pages of printouts or handwritten reports just can’t cut […]

Supreme Court Rejects One Vax Mandate, But Employers Urged to Stay Tuned

The U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of a major part of the Biden administration’s plan to boost the vaccination of workers against COVID-19 means many large employers can stand down on their plans to comply with a rule requiring the shots or testing, but they are free to institute their own mandates as long as such […]

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Facility’s Access Control System?

Access control systems have come a long way in the past decade or so. No longer simply a tool to lock and unlock doors, modern access control systems offer a range of features like mobile credentials, biometrics, cybersecurity, and integration with building systems and even HR systems, that can not only be used to restrict […]

3 Methods for Facility Managers to Grow Their Sustainability Efforts

Companies seem to be experiencing a sustainability shortfall, despite an uptick in the number of properties seeking Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, and similar accreditations. Although most corporate leaders agree that sustainability merits support, many organizations still don’t have formal sustainability measures in place. However, closing that gap may land squarely in the lap […]

5-Step Checklist: How to Improve Facilities Management for Better Customer Service

Customer service is a tricky thing. Excellent customer service is even trickier. The facilities management (FM) function is complex and multi-dimensional, and can encompass both external and internal parties impacted by or using the facilities. Expectations from different customers can vary greatly. For example, the requirements of vendors or suppliers who may occasionally visit a […]