Tag: facilities management

Water damage, water intrusion

Keeping an Eye Out for Facility Water Intrusion

Water intrusion can cause a host of issues impacting buildings and the health of the people who use them. Facilities managers, in particular those at hospitals and other medical facilities that serve potentially vulnerable populations, must be aware of this sometimes-invisible threat and take steps to protect against fungal exposure.


10 Tips for Better Hurricane Preparedness

We are now in hurricane season, which officially occurs from June 1 until November 30. It’s important for businesses that could be in the path of a storm to review their emergency preparations to ensure worker safety and business continuity. If you haven’t already done so, take these 10 essential steps to make sure your […]

disaster plan green button

Business Continuity Planning Basics to Remember

The U.S. Small Business Administration estimates that 25% of businesses forced to contend with a major disaster never reopen. However, one way to improve a company’s odds of surviving a disaster is to be proactive and anticipate and prepare for possible emergency scenarios using a business continuity plan. Don’t let your facility become the next […]

The office bully

The Pitfalls of Ignoring Workplace Violence Prevention

Every year, nearly 2 million American workers report that they are victims of workplace violence, according to research from OSHA. That number obviously doesn’t include the numerous unreported instances of workplace violence, which fall through the cracks due to a lack of preventive measures, policies, or mandated workplace violence training programs. Is your facility doing […]

Chemical facility safety

Consensus Standards for Safety: What Facility Managers Need to Know

Facilities managers depend on standards to efficiently and consistently do good work, and when it comes to safety, there are many resources for them to consult. The U.S. Chemical and Safety Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) released a Safety Spotlight recommending that employers closely apply industry consensus standards to safeguard employee and public safety. Titled “The […]

vendor delivery

Vendors (Even the Familiar Ones) Must Follow Access Control Policies

It can be easy for vendors to get overly familiar with their customers and perhaps try to bypass security policies related to access control, waiting time, or entering parts of the facility they really don’t need to be. Therefore, all employees should be reminded to follow established protocols for vendor interactions.

fire sprinkler system

Does Your Facility Have an Adequate Fire Prevention Plan?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires facilities to have a detailed fire prevention plan when applicable standards require it. However, the agency “strongly recommends” that all facilities develop and implement a plan. How does your facility’s fire prevention plan stack up?

Emergency eye wash

Eyewash Stations: Do You Know the Requirements?

While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has few specific requirements for eyewash stations, there are good best practices available under American National Standards Institute (ANSI) voluntary standards. Experts at Safety.BLR.com® were recently asked a question about proper installation of eyewash stations—read on to see what they had to say and how it can […]

First Aid cabinet

Facility First Aid Kits: Should You Stock OTC Meds?

Facilities management professionals are often tasked with the proper supply of on-site first aid kits. When it comes to keeping medications stocked, there may be some question as to whether you should include over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and if so, which ones.

Shredded tire, tire crumbs

Do You Use Tire Crumb Rubber at Your Facility? You Should Read This Study

Recycled tire crumb rubber has a variety of potential uses in facility design, from flooring to mulching to playgrounds or playing fields. The EPA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission have released the first report in their investigation into recycled tire crumbs, […]