Tag: facilities management


Increase Safety and Security With Damage-Free Signage

Sign labels that can be printed with laser or ink-jet printers in minutes and removed cleanly from most surfaces serve to notify, instruct, and even protect personnel in just about every area in a facility.

The Cost of Catastrophe: Make a Business Case for Better Equipment

Ask yourself: What could you do with $32 billion dollars in your business? A lot, certainly—but not if you’re forced to sink the entire amount into settling federal, state, and local claims for environmental damage from a preventable chemical catastrophe and paying the medical costs of workers or civilians killed or injured by the incident. […]

Lawyer pointing

Did You Catch Better Call Saul’s Facilities Management Moment?

The fourth-season premiere of Better Call Saul landed last Monday evening, and it was every bit as entertaining and brilliant as fans have come to expect. But it also included a detailed, accurate, and dryly hilarious scene wherein a main character takes stock of a large corporation’s major safety and security failings.