Tag: facilities management

Oft-Ignored Emergency Preparedness Practices

Severe winter weather, power outages, or other workplace emergencies can occur anywhere and at any time. How well prepared are you? A top official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says certain elements of preparedness tend to be forgotten. Which ones? Find out here.


The Cost of Catastrophe: Making a Business Case for Facility Improvements

The West Fertilizer Company in West, Texas operated out of a building that was originally constructed in 1961, and the facility was expanded, piecemeal, over the next 52 years. However, its underlying construction remained the same: a wood-framed building with asphalt shingles and plywood bins for storing fertilizer-grade ammonium nitrate (FGAN) and other bulk agricultural […]

Let’s Get Back to the Facility Security Basics!

In this era of mass attacks, cyberattacks, workplace violence, hacking, and the challenge of providing necessary security improvements without breaking the budget, it can help to prioritize your must-haves. This requires thinking beyond the usual (and expensive) security approach of “more guards, gates, fences, cameras, and lights.”


Increase Safety and Security With Damage-Free Signage

Sign labels that can be printed with laser or ink-jet printers in minutes and removed cleanly from most surfaces serve to notify, instruct, and even protect personnel in just about every area in a facility.

The Cost of Catastrophe: Make a Business Case for Better Equipment

Ask yourself: What could you do with $32 billion dollars in your business? A lot, certainly—but not if you’re forced to sink the entire amount into settling federal, state, and local claims for environmental damage from a preventable chemical catastrophe and paying the medical costs of workers or civilians killed or injured by the incident. […]

Lawyer pointing

Did You Catch Better Call Saul’s Facilities Management Moment?

The fourth-season premiere of Better Call Saul landed last Monday evening, and it was every bit as entertaining and brilliant as fans have come to expect. But it also included a detailed, accurate, and dryly hilarious scene wherein a main character takes stock of a large corporation’s major safety and security failings.