Tag: covid

Retail Theft and Violence Incidents Jump Post-COVID

A new report finds retail facilities are facing more crime than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. Retailers reported a 93% increase in the average number of shoplifting incidents per year in 2023 versus 2019 and a 90% increase in dollar loss due to shoplifting over the same time period, according to a new study […]

Back to Basics: Combatting Winter Respiratory Disease Season with Indoor Air Quality

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important but possibly overlooked information facilities management professionals should know. Now that fall has arrived, are you ready for this year’s winter respiratory disease season? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections will lead to a […]

How Can Facilities Managers Navigate the Latest Technology?

Using technology to make work more efficient is the reality in every industry, and it is necessary to help organizations succeed. But while some have embraced tech, others have been hesitant to implement it into their workflows. Facilities managers (FMs) may wonder how to effectively use technology for building operations, what tech skills and knowledge […]

Drone inspecting a construction workplace

Top Uses of Drones and Robots for Facilities

Futuristic technology is proving that it can create efficiencies for building operations, and facilities managers are finding ways to incorporate it into their tasks. But while many facilities managers may be knowledgeable about the Internet of Things (IoT), building information modeling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), new sustainability measures, and cloud-based solutions, there could be some […]

Faces of Facilities: Melissa Grimes from ESFM

Melissa Grimes serves as a regional vice president at ESFM, the corporate facilities management division of Compass Group USA. In her role, she supports life science pharmaceuticals accounts with over 25 campuses across North America totaling more than 100 buildings. According to Grimes, her most important responsibility is contributing to the success of her team […]

Incorporating Sustainable Solutions for Facilities

As the electric grid gets more taxed, more facilities are implementing on-site solar technologies not just to help reduce the load but also to increase their sustainability. Meanwhile, some facilities need adequate battery storage during power outages and enough capacity to handle electric vehicle (EV) chargers. These issues and more were discussed during a panel […]

Why Are Healthy Buildings Important?

During the opening keynote session of Facilities Management Advisor’s FM Now: Healthy Buildings virtual summit, “Connecting the Dots: Moving Toward an Integrated Approach to Healthy and Sustainable Reporting for Buildings,” the topic of healthy buildings was discussed, including the financial and employee benefits of healthy facilities, how healthy buildings can combat climate change, ways healthy […]

CDC Releases Infection Prevention Guidance for K-12 Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools across the country and made health and safety top priority once they reopened. Although the pandemic is thankfully behind us, it remains essential to protect students and staff from all types of infectious diseases. As leaders plan for the new school year ahead, now is a good time to double […]

Experts Call for Mandating Indoor Air Quality in Public Buildings

In a new scientific paper, a global group of experts has called for mandating indoor air quality (IAQ) in public buildings and presented a blueprint for national standards. The group is headed by Professor Lidia Morawska, a distinguished professor at Australia’s Queensland University of Technology and vice chancellor fellow at the U.K.’s University of Surrey. […]

How Employers and Employees Can Help Women Advance in Facilities Management

To help celebrate Women’s History Month in March and International Women’s Day on March 8, the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) hosted a live webinar event on March 6 entitled “Mentorship and Empowerment: Insights on Advancing Women in Facility Management.” Report Findings The event focused on presenting and interpreting the results of the latest IFMA […]