Tag: carbon footprint

Practical Steps to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Meet Sustainability Goals

According to a 2023 report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), industries account for 24% of global CO₂ emissions, highlighting the critical role operations and maintenance teams must play in reducing environmental impact. As global concerns about climate change grow, businesses are under increasing pressure from regulators, stakeholders, and consumers to show their commitment to […]

The Rise of Commercial Building Electrification

Demand for commercial building electrification has been growing over the past decade as organizations aim to reduce their carbon footprint and become more energy efficient. By electrifying systems such as HVAC, water heating, and cooking, building owners and organizations have been able to achieve benefits such as increased energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and safer […]

N.Y. Hospital Cuts Carbon and Costs with Energy Efficiency Upgrades

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) announced it installed a suite of energy efficiency upgrades at Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH), an academic medical center on Long Island, N.Y. Totaling nearly $20 million, the projects directly support BuildSmart 2025, a statewide energy efficiency program administered by NYPA aimed at reducing energy usage in state facilities […]

Top 10 Earth Day Must-Reads for Facilities Managers

Unless Elon Musk stops messing around with Twitter and gets us to Mars, Earth is our only home for the foreseeable future. That means we’ve got to take good care of the planet and conserve its finite natural resources. It’s also why sustainability is a hot topic all year long and why facilities managers are […]

Google’s Search for an Energy Leader and What You Should Learn from It

Editor’s note: FM Perspectives are industry op-eds. The views expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of Facilities Management Advisor. You can always tell the priorities of global tech firms by who they are trying to hire. Google’s next hire? A new role for a team leader dedicated to developing a plan and budget […]

Green from Above: Harnessing Drone Inspections to Boost Building ESG Performance

In the realm of sustainable development, the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria has gained significant traction. Major property owners, in particular, have come under increasing scrutiny on their environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices. Fortunately, drone inspections present a promising avenue for enhancing building ESG performance. This article explores how drone […]

Illuminating the Triple Bottom Line for a Sustainable Future in Facilities

If you want to make a difference in today’s social, economic, and environmental climate, a great place to start is by examining what’s going on behind the scenes in facilities. Many consider social, economic, and environmental themes the triple bottom line (TBL) of facilities management. The TBL theory suggests that instead of one bottom line, […]

Biden Admin Seeks Input on National Definition for Zero-Emissions Buildings

What constitutes a zero-emissions building? The Biden administration is working to create a national, standardized, and verifiable definition for all stakeholders. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has developed Part 1 of a draft national definition for zero-emissions buildings and is now seeking feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders through […]

University of Connecticut’s Director of Major Projects Talks Campus Sustainability

While sports fans know that the University of Connecticut (UConn) is known as the “Basketball Capital of the World,” the university has recently been recognized on the national level for its ongoing commitment to sustainability by being ranked as one of the top 25 schools on The Princeton Review’s Top 50 Green Colleges list for […]

How Will Local Law 97 Impact NYC Facilities?

Groundbreaking legislation, called Local Law 97, which was enacted in 2019, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in New York City by reducing the carbon impact of the city’s largest buildings is expected to encourage building owners to work more closely with facilities professionals for compliance. According to Urban Green Council, the law is […]