
Security Risk Assessment and Mitigation Share Common Strategies Across Facilities

A comprehensive risk analysis is the first step in assessing security vulnerabilities at any facility. Accurately performing vulnerability risk assessments of premises’ physical security and logical data takes a complete and comprehensive evaluation based on key areas. Let’s take a look at some tips that apply across facility types and industries.

Risk assessment

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Understanding the nature and scope of security-related risk is the basic expectation of a corporate security program. The risk assessment process provides for a critical evaluation of common problems that exist or could be exposed in the future. There are general vulnerability assessment and mitigation guidelines that are suitable for any industry.

Here are some universal tips:

  • Research and gather information about current issues from the entire company or organizational staff. The basis for physical and logical security decisions is a process based on contributions from multiple levels of management. Organizational leaders and their staff must be engaged at the outset of a risk management process so results can be tailored to their preferences. Open communication is major for proper planning to protect against the risks that exist in an organization. Get a clear picture of the history of incidents and crime that have happened in the past. Review lessons learned from relevant past incidents.
  • Perform security inspections. Start from the outside and work your way inside to access all assets—perimeter, parking lot/grounds, exterior walls and doors, interior spaces, public areas, and the network. Plan a day and night inspection to see the differences in lighting and traffic patterns. Also, plan an inspection during working hours and nonworking hours.
  • Record all key assets and what the company feels is important. Determining and understanding a general risk tolerance level is helpful before embarking on the risk management solutions.
  • List the services that the systems currently in use perform. Rate the success and failures of all communication and electronic devices currently in place.
  • Find out what compliance and regulations are required. Are there any unusual issues that need to be dealt with? Ensure that risk management efforts take into account any risk management policies, standards, or requirements the organization has in place.
  • Determine points of failure that need to be protected. Include both security and data protection. Design floor plans and take photos of where vulnerabilities are located.
  • Organize your attack to include strategic, operational, and institutional risks. Develop a unified security management strategy. Recommend solutions for each vulnerability and point of risk with layers of protection that make it increasingly difficult to get to an asset due to the security countermeasures incorporated.
  • Write a report. Use up-to-date technology to produce a report for print and digitally on a tablet or laptop. Include an understanding of the management of potential incidents, implementing cross-functional coordination for improved anticipation, preparedness, first response, training, and recovery. Standardize on policies, practices, and recommendations for threat identification and management.
  • Communicate the plan to all stakeholders of how the risk management strategies will be implemented. The importance of communications in risk management bears repeating. Communication connects each step of risk management and is also crucial for linking risk management principles and processes.

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