STI Highlights Products to Help with School Building Safety
With summer drawing to a close, it’s officially back-to-school season. While kids are focused on their new lunch boxes or who is in their class, principals, deans, teachers and parents are concerned about student and building safety.
Rely on STI to help protect the things that protect students and staff.
STI has a wide range of fire, safety and security products that help protect school buildings from false fire alarms, equipment vandalism and accidental damage, as well as help warn of an emergency.
The pull station and button covers are designed to protect against false fire alarms (without restricting legitimate operation), helping to increase student learning time by minimizing disruption in the classroom. Alarms alert to unwanted use of important safety equipment. Buttons and switches help to signal to emergency situations. Enclosures and covers reduce costly equipment replacement and repairs. Tough wire cages help protect against damage and destruction of vulnerable devices such as strobes, clocks, exit signs, lights and more.
Click below to help increase student safety with STI’s full Stopper Line of protective products.
For additional information on STI’s full Stopper Line, call 248-673-9898, email or visit STI’s address is: 2306 Airport Road, Waterford, MI 48327-1209.