Category: Training

Back to Basics: Workplace Evacuation Procedures

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important but possibly overlooked information facilities management professionals should know. During emergencies, things can go wrong in an instant. It’s crucial for employers, facilities professionals, and other safety stakeholders to collaborate on developing emergency action plans (EAPs) with effective evacuation procedures, so that in a disaster scenario, employees know […]

Busting 5 Myths About the Facilities Manager Role

Facilities manager (FM) roles are often perceived as fixing, maintaining, and cleaning buildings only. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! To help people understand the many facets of facilities management, and how complex the work of FMs is, we are busting 5 common myths about the profession! These myth-busters will help anyone who wants […]

Safety School: Consistent Training Mitigates Risk of Workplace Incidents

A workplace accident can take just a few seconds. But those brief incidents have a major impact on the U.S. economy. Employers reported 2.3 million workplace injuries in 2022. The direct costs associated with those incidents—worker’s compensation claims and related medical and legal expenses—add up to $1 billion a week. That’s not counting the indirect […]

The Secret to Reducing Clutter and Improving Operational Flow

Clutter is more than a visual nuisance; for facilities management professionals, it’s a roadblock to operational efficiency. Disorganized spaces, misplaced tools, and inefficient workflows can slow down processes, leading to wasted time, resources, and ultimately, money. So, what’s the secret to clearing the clutter and creating a more streamlined environment? It involves a mix of […]

How Can Facilities Managers Navigate the Latest Technology?

Using technology to make work more efficient is the reality in every industry, and it is necessary to help organizations succeed. But while some have embraced tech, others have been hesitant to implement it into their workflows. Facilities managers (FMs) may wonder how to effectively use technology for building operations, what tech skills and knowledge […]

Drone inspecting a construction workplace

Top Uses of Drones and Robots for Facilities

Futuristic technology is proving that it can create efficiencies for building operations, and facilities managers are finding ways to incorporate it into their tasks. But while many facilities managers may be knowledgeable about the Internet of Things (IoT), building information modeling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), new sustainability measures, and cloud-based solutions, there could be some […]

ASHRAE Program Certifies Inaugural Group of Decarbonization Professionals

In facilities management, industry certifications can be a great way to expand your expertise, advance your career, and stand out to current and future employers. Several organizations already offer a number of certifications to consider, and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is adding another to the list. ASHRAE is proud […]

4 Actionable Steps to Prevent Facility Disruptions

An unanticipated facility disruption can have staggering costs and take a severe toll on property stakeholders. By prioritizing disruption prevention and implementing proactive strategies, you can significantly mitigate the risk of such events, making them less inevitable and more manageable. Easy-to-implement strategies to prevent facility disruptions range from regular maintenance checks to advanced planning and emergency […]

College Campus Fire Stats and Safety Tips for the New School Year

As the new school year approaches, college students nationwide are preparing to move into campus dormitories and off-campus housing. Through their annual “Campus Fire Safety for Students” campaign in September, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Center for Campus Fire Safety (CCFS) want to ensure students, parents, and campus housing staff and administrators have the relevant information and resources […]

A Guide to Effective Facility Master Planning

Creating a facility master plan is a bit like piecing together a puzzle—there are a lot of moving parts to consider. Whether you decide to bring in external help or lean on your internal team, the key is to ensure your plan accurately reflects your facility’s current state, anticipates future changes, and outlines a clear […]