Category: Training

Facility managers networking at summit event.

Get the Edge You Need at the Facilities Management Summit!

Our Facilities Management Summit, an event specifically targeted for facilities professionals across all sectors, is currently underway in Austin, Texas! The Facilities Management Summit, like all our Forum Events, provide you with the opportunity to have focused discussions with a wide range of vendors offering the latest in hardware and technology and a host of […]

Lab tech working with corrosive chemicals

The Impacts of Corrosive Chemicals on Facility Safety

Are the workers in your facility prepared to recognize the dangers posed by corrosive chemicals? If this question makes you hesitate for even a second, you should give them the information they need to protect themselves.

training tablet

Education and Training Opportunities for Facilities Management Professionals

Facilities managers tend to wear many hats. Over time, facilities management titles have evolved to include a variety of tasks and job descriptions. Everything from security to construction to building maintenance to project management to energy management has come to define the average facility director or manager. As the job title has diversified in meaning, […]

facility team discussing building resources

6 Facilities Management Resources You Should Be Reading

To keep your buildings running day in and day out, you—as a successful facilities manager—must wear several hats every day. From ensuring facilities are cleaned and managing access controls to setting up workstations and managing third-party vendors, it’s hard to find the time to stay on top of news, trends, and industry information that helps […]

Service Dog

The Facts on Accommodating Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals at Your Facility

Service and emotional support animal accommodations have become an issue for facilities, especially public ones like shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, medical offices, and recreational facilities. Even private facilities may have to address the issue with tenants. With that in mind, we’re providing facilities managers an analysis of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) public […]

Red Ball Drills

Consider Red Ball Drills for Your Facility’s Emergency Preparedness (Including Active Shooter) Training

Red Ball Drills® are a unique emergency preparedness method that make real-time training more productive and less traumatic. While it is primarily associated with active shooter training, its uses can extend into many areas of facilities management—a “red ball” can signify any preparedness situation, from equipment failure to natural disasters to physical or cybersecurity threats.

Arguing, conflict resolution

8 Steps to Resolve Conflict on Your Facilities Team

Coworkers don’t always see eye to eye—and that holds true in facilities management. What steps do you take to resolve conflicts among your team members? Do you find the process effective? Here is a simple 8-step conflict resolution process that you and your employees can use to resolve any type of workplace conflict.

Janitorial cart with cleaning chemicals and supplies

Cleaning Solvents: Who at Your Facility Needs HazCom Training?

Chemical exposure is a big safety and environmental hazard. But for a lot of facilities, the only chemicals they regularly use are cleaning supplies. However, only some employees (such as janitorial or facilities management staff) may be using stronger solvents, while other materials are being used by all employees throughout the entire workforce. So, who […]