Category: Sustainability/Business Continuity

water drought

Facility Water Audits Amid a Game-Changing Summer

It seems as if we have been here before. But for some reason, this time it’s different—it is worse. So much so that it looks and feels as if we are headed for a real game-changer. I am referring to the drought now in California and many parts of the western United States. This year’s […]


4 Top Trends of Facilities Management Spending in the COVID Era

In the year since the mass COVID-19 shutdowns of 2020, facilities spending across trades—notably on HVAC, janitorial, and plumbing—has rebounded to surpass the pre-pandemic rates of 2019 by 5%, according to a new report. New data released from ServiceChannel, an online platform for the procurement and delivery of distributed services, examines facility spend and service cost […]

Workers in facility with masks and proper distancing

What Facility Managers Need to Know about Germicidal UV-C

Safely getting employees, clients, and customers back into buildings remains top of mind for facilities professionals of all stripes, and many are looking to technology to help with the process. UV light has tremendous potential to help mitigate airborne pathogens, but unfamiliarity with this decades-old germicide has prevented some building and facility engineers from incorporating […]

Electric car (EV) plugged in at a facility's charging station

Get Your Facility Ready for the EV Boom

Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining in popularity at a staggering rate. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s EV Outlook, “Over 2 million electric vehicles were sold in 2018, up from just a few thousand in 2010, and there is no sign of slowing down. We expect annual passenger EV sales to rise to 10 million […]

COVID-19 testing

CDC Revises Definition of ‘Close Contact’ for COVID-19

On October 21, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced updated COVID-19 guidance, specifically the definition of “close contact.” The expanded definition states that the 15-minute exposure period should be measured based on a cumulative amount of time over 24 hours and not just a single 15-minute interaction.

Workers in facility with masks and proper distancing

How to Bring Workers Back Safely to Your Facility

With facilities across the country slowly reopening, workers are returning to a changed landscape with new procedures and office norms. This means that companies must review their emergency preparedness plans and adapt them to the realities of the pandemic.


Is Your Facility Ready for National Preparedness Month?

September is right around the corner, which means that National Preparedness Month (NPM) will soon be in full swing. The National Safety Council (NSC) uses this time to foster awareness around the ways you can prepare yourselves and families for any disaster that could impact your facilities, homes, and communities. The NPM theme for the […]

Office workers in surgical masks with coughing coworker.

CDC Provides Updated Guidance for Reopening Office Buildings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated their recommendations for reopening offices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their guidance includes wearing cloth masks throughout the workday; maintaining social distances of six feet, including in elevators; positioning workstations six feet apart or installing plastic partitions; and removing communal coffeepots.


10 Tips for Better Hurricane Preparedness

We are now in hurricane season, which officially occurs from June 1 until November 30. It’s important for businesses that could be in the path of a storm to review their emergency preparations to ensure worker safety and business continuity. If you haven’t already done so, take these 10 essential steps to make sure your […]