Category: Safety

Office workers in surgical masks with coughing coworker.

CDC Provides Updated Guidance for Reopening Office Buildings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated their recommendations for reopening offices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their guidance includes wearing cloth masks throughout the workday; maintaining social distances of six feet, including in elevators; positioning workstations six feet apart or installing plastic partitions; and removing communal coffeepots.

Legionella bacteria

Beware of Legionnaire’s Risk When Reopening Buildings

Building owners and facility managers reopening vacant buildings as stay-at-home orders expire may need to flush plumbing fixtures weekly to prevent harmful organisms, such as the Legionella bacteria—which can cause Legionnaire’s Disease, a bacterial pneumonia—from growing in plumbing, according to a pre-press research study.

Manual pallet jack in the middle of a cluttered warehouse

Messes Matter: Importance of Clearing Out the Clutter

What did you see when you walked into your facility this morning? Were there cords snaking across the floor, remnants of a spill from a couple of days ago, or overflowing trash cans? Or did you observe a strong sense of order, with clear walkways, properly stored tools, well-lit and clearly marked stairways, and hazardous […]

Cleaning equipment with cart on the floor in office building

Considerations for Reopening Your Facility After COVID-19

With the number of COVID-19 cases beginning to level off in some areas, employers that have ceased operations or shifted to remote work may be considering when, and how, they might be able to bring people back to their facilities. While businesses are understandably eager to resume operations, the potential for missteps is high. Returning […]

UPDATED: Can Employers Mandate the Use of Facemasks, and What If Employees Can’t (or Won’t) Wear Them?

This article was last updated and reposted on July 20 in accordance with more up-to-date guidance and links to additional resources. The world has changed in an unprecedented way since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and employers have a lot of questions for our experts at®. Read on to see how experts answered a […]

Cannabis buds and joints on table

Marijuana and Facility Safety: What You Need to Know

On Tuesday, June 25, 2019, Illinois became the 11th state (plus Washington D.C.) to legalize recreational marijuana, while 33 states have now legalized medical marijuana. And as many states become more lenient with their marijuana laws and regulations, organizations should seek out everything there is to know about marijuana and workplace safety and wellness.

Stressed out Santa passed out on floor

Holiday Hazards: Stress

The World Health Organization has called stress “the health epidemic of the 21st century.” According to the annual StressPulse Survey conducted by employee assistance program (EAP) provider ComPsych Corporation, stress and personal relationship issues are the most common reasons for employee absence, accounting for nearly half (47%) of employee absences—handily beating out medical issues. Given […]