Category: Human Resources

Manual workers pouring cement through pipe on roof.

Stepping Up Your Foot Protection Program

Many employers have questions about what specific footwear would best fit their foot protection programs. Experts at® recently stepped in to answer two questions on the subject—see what they had to say, plus download a free guide from Tingley to get your program on firm ground!

Abandoned office with many papers on the floor

Old Paper Work May Pose a Security Risk at Your Facility

When a major retail business moves to shutter its operations the impacts have major reverberations, especially when that business is the size of Circuit City, Borders Books and Music, or Toys “R” Us. In the case of the latter, the rapid closing of the toy giant left 31,000 employees without work and close to 800 […]

Worker lying after falling from a ladder

OIG Says That Fatalities and Injuries Are Underreported

Despite OSHA’s 2014 rule strengthening provisions that require employers to inform the agency about work-related fatalities and serious injuries and illnesses, the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that OSHA’s data on these incidents are deficient as is its assurance that employers abated the hazards that contributed to the incidents.

Dog Dressed In Chia Pet Costume

Arizona Passes New Law Regarding Service Animals

If you live in Arizona, and you’re thinking about trying to pass off your pet as a service animal, you may want to think twice. As of August 3, 2018, it is now illegal to misrepresent your pet in order to have them accompany you into public places accessible only to service animals. While this […]