Category: Human Resources

Infographic: How Does Your Facilities Management Résumé Stack Up?

We’re currently in a pretty competitive job market, with a flood of energetic young graduates entering the talent pool each year. Therefore, whether you’re applying for your first facilities management job or if you’re a seasoned manager looking to transition to a better opportunity, you need to grab the hiring manager’s attention. The best way […]

Manager throwing paper airplane

Infographic: Impacts of Lost Productivity on Your Facility

When we think of lost or wasted time, we tend to think about employees not giving 100% at work, when in reality other factors have a much larger impact on the overall productivity at a given facility. Instead, imagine the chain reaction that follows from a misplaced work order. As one or more facility technicians […]

Worker accident

NSC Analysis of CDC Data Shows Rise in Accidental Death

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been making headlines lately, most of them referring to the decrease in life expectancy in the U.S. due to suicide and drug overdose. The National Safety Council (NSC) found in the numbers another disturbing trend that is of concern to EHS professionals—a rise in […]

Newspaper clippings of words Domestic and Violence

A Clear and Present Danger: Domestic Violence in the Workplace

On Monday, November 19, emergency room doctor Tamara O’Neal was shot outside her workplace, Mercy Hospital & Medical Center on Chicago’s south side. According to sources, the shooter, Juan Lopez, was angry with her over a broken engagement, leading to yet another workplace active shooter situation. While coworkers can be the perpetrators of workplace violence, […]

Voters Weigh in on Medical, Recreational Marijuana in 4 States

Voters in four states had the opportunity to weigh in on the issue of marijuana use when they went to the polls November 6, and the results will have an impact on employers. In Missouri and Utah voters approved measures to allow the medical use of marijuana. Voters in Michigan and North Dakota voted on […]

Woman reporting suspicious behavior to her supervisor

Encourage Speaking Up to Prevent Mass Shootings

Remember the parable of the blind men and the elephant? Each individual formed an false conclusion about what an elephant is based on the limited information they gathered. The man touching the elephant’s tail concluded that an elephant is like a rope, while the man touching its tusk believed that the elephant was more like […]

Predict and Prevent Active Shooters by Listening for Leaks

A hazard assessment is one of the most important tools for preventing injuries, illnesses, and fatalities at your facility. They help analyze potential situations to determine the risks they pose, and provide your (or your tenant’s) security team with the data to decide how best to contain and control those risks. Unfortunately, one increasingly common […]

Prescribed to Death Exhibition

NSC Congress and Expo Hosts Opioid Epidemic Memorial

At the opening of the 2018 National Safety Council (NSC) Congress and Expo in Houston, Texas, the NSC unveiled a memorial to the opioid epidemic that both commemorates victims and emphasizes the role employers can play in combating the crisis.

Man arrested after assaulting nurse

OSHA Enforces General Duty Violations in Healthcare Facilities

An OSHA standard directed at mitigating workplace violence in healthcare facilities is not looming on the horizon, but not because OSHA is unaware of the main provisions such a standard would include. As it currently stands, it is not uncommon for OSHA to issue citations against healthcare employers whose employees are attacked, harmed, threatened, or […]

Manual workers pouring cement through pipe on roof.

Stepping Up Your Foot Protection Program

Many employers have questions about what specific footwear would best fit their foot protection programs. Experts at® recently stepped in to answer two questions on the subject—see what they had to say, plus download a free guide from Tingley to get your program on firm ground!