Category: Heating and Cooling

Tackling Humidity Challenges in Coastal Schools

Humidity poses significant challenges to communities situated along coastal regions where the influence of moisture-laden air from lakes and oceans is pronounced. Humidity levels are exacerbated in those regions once the warmer temperatures arrive in late spring and summer. For schools, these high humidity levels can pose significant challenges. The School of Public Health at […]

Revitalizing Campus Spaces: Sustainable Initiatives and Educational Oasis

The University of Richmond’s Eco-Corridor, an 18-acre restoration, was an old road, previously ignored, a “place of possibility,” said Rob Andrejewski, the university’s director of sustainability. Opened in 2020, the project includes an extensive stream restoration, the planting of 25,000 grasses, shrubs, and trees, invasive species removal, new trails, plus picnic tables, a learning lab, […]

CDC Releases Infection Prevention Guidance for K-12 Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools across the country and made health and safety top priority once they reopened. Although the pandemic is thankfully behind us, it remains essential to protect students and staff from all types of infectious diseases. As leaders plan for the new school year ahead, now is a good time to double […]

3 Springtime Tips for Energy Efficiency in HVAC

As life outside gets greener, spring is also a good reminder of the importance of green practices in facilities. HVAC systems use 40-50% of a commercial building’s energy, translating to high energy usage and significant greenhouse gas emissions. However, this also presents ample opportunity to find efficiencies. Balancing occupant comfort with sustainability is not always […]

The Ultimate Guide to Temporary Boiler Rentals

In industrial facilities, a reliable and efficient heating system is crucial for maintaining comfortable working conditions, ensuring proper operation of equipment and machinery, and supporting various manufacturing processes. However, situations may arise when your facility’s existing boiler system becomes inadequate or requires temporary replacement due to planned maintenance, emergencies, or changing heating demands. This is […]

5 Ways to Create a Better Workplace for Neurodivergent Employees

As more companies return to the office, either on a part- or full-time basis, facilities managers should work with employers to modify the workplace so neurodivergent employees are given equal opportunities to succeed. What Does Being ‘Neurodivergent’ Mean? According to the Cleveland Clinic, “neurodivergent” is a nonmedical term describing people whose “brains develop or work […]

‘Cicada-geddon’: 7 Ways Facilities Managers Can Prepare for the Bug Invasion

The cicadas are coming! The cicadas are coming! Some facilities professionals will indeed experience a “cicada-geddon,” a term coined by John Cooley, a University of Connecticut cicada expert. According to The Associated Press, two broods of cicadas—13-year and 17-year varieties—will be coming together for the first time since 1803, meaning trillions of them will come […]

Top 10 Earth Day Must-Reads for Facilities Managers

Unless Elon Musk stops messing around with Twitter and gets us to Mars, Earth is our only home for the foreseeable future. That means we’ve got to take good care of the planet and conserve its finite natural resources. It’s also why sustainability is a hot topic all year long and why facilities managers are […]

Emergency Preparedness for Climate Disasters: Overcoming Hurdles in Schools

Editor’s note: FM Perspectives are industry op-eds. The views expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of Facilities Management Advisor. Spring has arrived in much of the United States: flowers are budding, and frosty mornings are giving way to longer, sunnier days. With these changes comes another, less-welcome seasonal threat: wildfires, which produce excessive […]

6 Warning Signs That Your Facility’s Boiler Needs Maintenance

Maintaining a boiler in top operating condition will yield significant dividends to your facility, but often there are early warning signs that your boiler is in need of attention. So, what are some of these warning signs? In this article, we’ll examine six indicators that your boiler may require maintenance or repair. Additionally, we’ll discuss some preventative […]