Category: Design and Construction

Biden Admin. Launches $225M Program to Advance Energy-Efficient Building Codes

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a Notice of Intent (NOI) to provide $225 million for states and local governments to expand the implementation of the latest building energy codes and support the development of buildings that use less energy. Funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Building Energy Codes: Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation […]

10 Ways to Make Facilities Decisions Stick

Facilities management professionals need to find ways to communicate effectively with those they are working with. “Having a process to help executives make decisions in an informed way is very important to everyone,” said Kurt Neubek, a certified facilities manager with the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA), an architect, and a Firmwide Healthcare Practice Leader […]

Simplifying Hygienic Restroom Upgrades

Restrooms are visible evidence of the overall standards in a building, and with the continuing heightened awareness around hygiene in buildings, restroom upgrade projects are moving up in priority. In research conducted by Zurn Water Solutions into the impact of COVID-19 on the restroom experience, respondents ranked “touching fixtures” as their top concern in public […]

Federal Contractors Should Expect Climate Disclosure Rules to Become New Norm

A forthcoming proposed rule from the Biden administration will require contractors supplying goods and services to the federal government to disclose greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other climate-related risks. The rule follows similar requirements proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) related to the disclosure of climate change risks. The proposed changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation […]

FAA Awards $371M in Airport Improvement Grants

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) awarded $371 million for airfield, safety, and other improvement projects at 169 airports in 40 states across the country. This is the third announcement of awards for the 2022 Airport Improvement Program (AIP), which funds a variety of projects such as construction of new and improved airport […]

7 Ways Organizations Can Lead Workers Into a Hybrid World

As workplaces continue to deal with the challenges of developing an effective hybrid environment for their employees, it is important that facilities managers work together with executives so they can help their organizations succeed while meeting the needs of both management and employees. Mike Petrusky, host of the “Workplace Innovator Podcast” and the “Asset Champion […]

Balancing Energy Efficiency, Compliance, and Patient Care in Healthcare Facilities

When patients visit a healthcare facility, they are not thinking about how many kilowatt-hours of energy the facility is using, or how the facility may be reducing its cubic feet of natural gas consumption annually. When patients visit a healthcare facility, they are thinking about the care they’re going to receive. As healthcare facility managers, […]

Industry Groups Join Forces to Launch Healthy Workplaces Coalition

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and ISSA–The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association announced the launch of the Healthy Workplaces Coalition, a new coalition of more than 40 national organizations, industry leaders, and trade associations collaborating to support and advance federal policy aimed at helping businesses and organizations better afford and implement health and safety improvements […]

7 Ways to Make Facilities Better for Mental Health

Nobody wants to work in a dark, cramped place with drab-colored walls and cubicles. Today’s workplaces must take steps to acknowledge that productivity is directly affected by workers’ mental health. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we here at Facilities Management Advisor want to give facilities management professionals the advice they need to help […]

Amazon: A Case Study in How Strategic Warehouse Placement Can Drastically Reduce Shipping Times

Few businesses can compete with Amazon—not just as a retailer, but also in shipping, data management, and even warehousing. To become the juggernaut it is today, Amazon has evolved to provide many of its necessary service needs.  For its warehousing needs alone, for example, Amazon reportedly owns nearly 319 million square feet of fulfillment center […]