Category: Design and Construction

Chico State Completes Net-Zero Energy Building

Chico State, part of the California State University system, recently celebrated the grand opening of its new Behavioral and Social Sciences Building. According to project partner Turner Construction, the 94,000-square-foot facility sets a new benchmark for sustainable construction while fostering cutting-edge research, collaboration, and student success. Earning LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building […]

How Data Center FMs Can Create More Profitable and Sustainable Operations 

The data center industry is expected to reach $517 billion by 2030, fueling AI, the Internet of Things, Big Data, and everyday business transactions. As the industry expands, facilities managers will be among the most needed roles. These opportunities abound, but so do the complex infrastructure challenges that keep data center facilities running. To stay […]

Back to Basics: Ergonomic Hazards and Workplace Solutions

Back to Basics is an article series that highlights important but possibly overlooked information facilities management professionals should know. Ergonomics is defined by OSHA as “fitting a job to a person,” and it can help lessen muscle fatigue, increase productivity, and reduce the number and severity of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). MSDs affect the muscles, nerves, […]

Power-Hungry Data Center Market Represents New ‘Gold Rush’

In a year when data centers faced their toughest power challenges yet, the industry didn’t just survive—it thrived. JLL’s new North America Data Center Year-End 2024 Report reveals a sector charging full speed ahead, with colocation vacancy plummeting to a record low of 2.6% and absorption levels doubling in just two years. But beneath the surface of […]

The ASCE 2025 Report Card Is Coming: A Final Exam with No Quizzes

Since 2001, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has released the ASCE Report Card to assess the condition of the United States’ infrastructure, assigning a letter grade based on its condition and the investments needed for improvement. However, since its inception, grades have struggled to get out of the D range, although the 2021 […]

Grand Prix Plaza Races Toward Sustainability with LEED Certification

Grand Prix Plaza, home of the Formula 1 Heineken Las Vegas Grand Prix, has been awarded LEED Silver certification for new construction by the U.S. Green Building Council. This milestone underscores Las Vegas Grand Prix Inc.’s commitment to sustainability and innovation. LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is among the most widely used […]

The Future of the Buildings Industry: 5 Trends Shaping 2025 and Beyond

The commercial building management industry is poised for transformation as advanced technologies and data-driven insights redefine building management. Mastering these resources is more critical than ever, considering that 80% of buildings operating in cities today are expected to still exist in 2050. Facilities management is increasingly a strategic area for organizations. However, facilities managers, whether […]

Hybrid Lighting Controls: A Symphony of Wired and Wireless Technologies

The world of lighting control has entered a new era, blending the strengths of wired and wireless technologies into hybrid solutions. This approach delivers flexibility, energy efficiency, scalability, and ease of maintenance—meeting the diverse needs of modern buildings and their occupants. But what exactly is hybrid lighting control, and why is it gaining traction in […]

Americans Weigh in on Most Preferred Restroom Upgrades

What if public restrooms in the United States implemented some changes? For example, in busy locations like airports, parks, tourist attractions, concerts, and sporting events, what if a monitor outside the washroom could show how many stalls are available? Or, what if people paid a small entrance fee to guarantee that the restroom was clean and well […]

EaaS and Microgrids: A Game-Changer for Retailers Facing Rising Energy Costs

The average roof of a large retail store like Walmart spans a massive 180,000 square feet—roughly the size of three football fields. There are over 100,000 superstores in the U.S. with nearly 7.2 billion combined square feet of rooftop space, equivalent to the entire city of El Paso, Texas. According to an Environment America study, […]