Category: Access Control

5 Steps Public Venues Should Take When Evaluating Security Solutions

Several public venues, including facilities hosting sports, concerts, and other events, have begun to trade out traditional technologies for frictionless screening solutions. Providers of these solutions promise to increase the fan experience without reducing screening capabilities. The potential can be polarizing, increasing the need to understand the technology and evaluate the unique needs of your […]

How Government Organizations Can Protect Their Physical Security Systems from Cyber Risk

It might seem ironic that a physical security solution designed to protect people and property can provide an entry point for cybercriminals. However, because these systems—video surveillance, access control, alarms, communications, and more—are increasingly connected to networks and IT infrastructure, they can be quite vulnerable. Nearly every day brings the news of another data breach […]

How Hospitals Can Create Safer Environments for Patients, Staff, and Visitors

Step into any hospital or healthcare facility and you’ll be surrounded not only by clinical, administrative, and operational staff, but also by patients, visitors, and vendor representatives. With so many people traversing the hospital daily, protecting them can feel quite challenging. Until recently, almost anyone could enter a hospital with relative ease. Today, while many […]

Survey Reveals Screening Contractors Should Be Everyone’s Business

As workplaces continue to bring workers back to the physical workplace in a post-COVID-19 environment, even if it’s only part time, they must ensure compliance issues are addressed. The cost of not doing so jeopardizes not only company assets but also, and more importantly, the safety of those in the workplace, including employees, contractors, and […]

What Are Healthy Buildings?

As we head into Healthy Buildings Week here at Facilities Management Advisor, one might ask: “What are healthy buildings?” Healthy buildings involve a variety of categories, including design, cleaning protocols, ventilation, water quality, safety and security, clear communication and signage, encouragement of active occupants, and certification programs. Healthy buildings take on added importance as many workers […]

Access Control Benefits: SIA OSDP vs. Legacy Card Systems

Looking to install new access control products or enhance your current security system? Consider the communications technology approach that will futureproof your system’s performance and security. While some access control systems leverage legacy technology like Wiegand, the most modern, advanced systems are powered by Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP). OSDP is an access control communications […]

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Facility’s Access Control System?

Access control systems have come a long way in the past decade or so. No longer simply a tool to lock and unlock doors, modern access control systems offer a range of features like mobile credentials, biometrics, cybersecurity, and integration with building systems and even HR systems, that can not only be used to restrict […]

Hotel Giant Pilots Contactless Room Keys in Apple Wallet

Whenever you travel and stay in a hotel, odds are you’ve found yourself digging in your pockets, purse, or what have you for your room key. Well, one major hotel brand is testing out a new digital alternative to that elusive plastic card. Hyatt Hotels Corp., a global hospitality company whose portfolio includes more than […]

What Facility Managers Need to Know About Hybrid Workspaces

As with the concept of remote work, hybrid work may have already existed before COVID-19, but the pandemic took the idea of hybrid workplaces to the next level. Forced government lockdowns, social distancing, and other measures ensured that hybrid ways of working became more accepted and normative across many industry sectors. As such, the trend […]

Implementing a Vaccine Passport Reader Application to Help Businesses Enforce Health Security Protocols

Recent tracking finds around seven out of 10 Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Furthermore, Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that around six out of 10 remote workers support vaccine requirements to gain entry into places like high-rise workplaces or other such business centers. So, how can […]